
The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry provides alumni with a wide range of participation opportunities. The experiences and contributions of you and other alumni are important to us at the Faculty. Please join us!
  • Information on the University of Helsinki’s alumni activities is available on the University of Helsinki Alumni website and in the Helsinki Alumni Hub online portal.

  • The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry participates in many University of Helsinki alumni events, where you will meet scholars and alumni in the field to explore a current research theme.

  • Offer a traineeship to a student or commission a master’s thesis: Master’s level studies in many study tracks include a traineeship period, with students independently securing their traineeships. You can support students by offering them traineeship positions or commissioning a master’s thesis. By doing so, you are making an important contribution to learning and studying. Further information about offering traineeships and other services for employers is available on the University website: Benefit from the expertise of our students.

  • Participate through our partners: The Faculty cooperates closely with many development programmes, projects and networks. Research networks

    Cooperation projects

  • Degree programmes are keen to have alumni involved in their career courses and mentoring programmes. Please contact the alumni team if you are interested in supporting students’ career skills.

  • Participate in the alumni activities of student organisations. Many student organisations, such as the Faculty-specific League of Agricultural and Forestry Students Associations (link in Finnish only) and the sub-associations under its auspices, arrange activities in which alumni play a key role.

Would you like to propose a cooperation plan or ask about your faculty’s alumni activities? Please contact the alumni team and share your ideas.

Alumni team: