Semantic Parliament is a consortium research project (2020–2022), which produces a linked open data and research infrastructure on Finnish parliamentary data (1907–), and develops novel semantic computing technologies to study parliamentary politics and political culture. In this talk, we present some of the key contributions of the project to semantic web research and digital parliamentary studies, and more broadly discuss its role in making this key societal data available for public use and increasing transparency of political decision-making. We present the knowledge graph and the data transformation process of the plenary debates into Linked Open Data with Parla-CLARIN annotation. Moreover, we display the current version of the ParliamentSampo service and the semantic portal which allows the users to study the plenary debates and the networks of the speakers through filtering using faceted search e.g. by political party, time, places mentioned in the speeches. Further research on parliamentary politics, culture, and language can be conducted through an open SPARQL data endpoint. Project webpage.
Aalto HELDIG DH pizza seminar on Friday 30 September 2022 at 12.00.