
Health sciences and translational medicine are of growing importance in providing solutions to the challenges imposed by the aging population, the costs of health care, the recurring pandemics and the health threats induced by environmental and climate change. Thus, the global demand for well-trained specialists in translational medicine is likely to increase, providing excellent career prospects.

Recruitment to health and bioindustry positions can occur already at the graduate (MSc) level. MSc-entry level positions in health and bioindustry include titles such as product manager, product specialist or clinical research associate.

Continuation into doctoral studies after graduation is the basis for academic careers in translational research, but also allows for careers in industry.

Doctoral studies

Both study tracks, Translational Research and Health Industry and Innovations, provide excellent basis for doctoral studies. All graduates are eligible to enrol to PhD programmes both in Finland and abroad, including the following doctoral programmes at the University of Helsinki:

More information about  doctoral education at the University of Helsinki.

Career services

Building your career begins already during your studies. At the beginning of your TRANSMED studies, you participate on a Career Development course, where the experts of the Career Services at the University of Helsinki give you a start in concidering your own career choices.

The Career Services provide career guidance and counselling, courses and events, and facilitation of mentoring groups until one year after graduation.

Read more in Career Services at the University of Helsinki.

Alumni story: Lotta Ahveninen wishes to benefit society with her work

Lotta Ahveninen wishes to benefit society with her work. That is why she studied in the Master’s Programme in Translational Medicine. In the multidisciplinary programme, students learn how the human body functions and how diseases alter its functioning. They become adept at understanding and interpreting basic medical research. After graduating, they can seek therapies for, for example, cancers, memory disorders and metabolic disorders.

In January 2023, six months after completing her master’s degree, Ahveninen began pursuing a doctoral degree in the Doctoral Programme in Human Behaviour and the Music, Ageing and Rehabilitation Team. In her doctoral thesis, she investigates how music can be used to support brain function, mood and life quality in people with memory disorders.

The associated clinical study has as participants patients with memory disorders, living at home and in nursing homes, who go to traditional music therapy and digital music rehabilitation.

“Even though we live longer than before, the extra years we have gained are not healthy. The research I’m conducting is aimed at improving wellbeing specifically during this period.”

HelsinkiUNI International Talent Programme (HITP)

Would you like to build a career in Finland? Do you want to build professional networks during your studies and get valuable insight into Finnish working life? In TRANSMED, you can apply for the HelsinkiUNI International  Talent Programme (HITP).  

HITP is a group mentoring programme where Finnish companies and international students are brought together to share ideas and to learn from each other. 

What will you gain from HITP? 

  • You are assigned a mentor from a Finnish company or organization.
  • You will receive support in growing your network among both professionals and fellow students.
  • When the HITP has been completed, the goal is that cooperation can continue between the student and the company if both parties wish to do so. 

  • HelsinkiUNI International Talent Programme
Language skills for career

Although it is easy for international students to get by with English in the Helsinki region and in academic environments, learning Finnish will significantly expand your career options after graduation.

The University of Helsinki offers free Finnish language courses for enrolled international degree students. You can include up to 10 cr of Finnish language studies (or English) to your degree.

Information about the Finnish courses for international students in the Instructions for students.

Alumni of the University of Helsinki

After graduation, the world is wide open and full of possibilities. How can you venture forward to make the career path you want? What kind of work would you like to do? What kind of life should you lead? The Helsinki alumni community is there to support you as you transition from the University to the world of work.

All previous University of Helsinki degree and exchange students, as well as staff, are our alumni. As a member of the University of Helsinki alumni network, Finland’s largest network of experts, you get valuable support, knowledge and contacts for your working life.

More information about the Helsinki alumni community and its activities.

Find alumni of the University of Helsinki on LinkedIn.