At the Kumpula campus, one of the four campuses at the University of Helsinki, top research is being carried out in many of the disciplines included in the programme. For example, theoretical particle physics, cosmology, computational materials physics, biophysics, aerosol physics, mathematical physics, inverse problems, theoretical chemistry, laser spectroscopy, and algorithm theory. The instruction in the programme is given by the researchers in these groups, and the programme will give you a solid basis for continuing with postgraduate studies and research in one of these areas.
The programme cooperates with Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP) and Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT), Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE), and Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), and collaborates with the centres of excellence for Randomness and Structures and Research of Sustainable Space.
The Computational Aerosol Physics Research Group applies computational and theoretical methods to understand cluster and particle formation for atmospherically relevant molecules. The techniques involve molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo simulations and cluster size distribution dynamics with molecular interactions taken either from quantum chemical models or thermodynamics. The group is connected to the Centre of Excellence VILMA (Virtual Laboratory for Molecular Level Atmospheric Transformations).
The Computational Atmospheric Chemistry Group studies the chemical reactions of atmospheric condensable vapors and their precursors using computational methods, with emphasis on reactive sulfur- and nitrogen-containing molecules, and on atmospheric autoxidation reactions of complex organic molecules. The foundation is provided by a large variety of quantum chemical methods, from state-of-the-art multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) and coupled cluster (CC) methods to density functional theory (DFT). Molecular-level reaction mechanisms and potential energy surfaces are then used as input for reaction dynamic calculations in order to obtain information on real reaction rates in the atmosphere.
The computational biochemistry and biophysics group studies the molecular mechanism of proteins involved in biological energy conversion and mitochondrial function/dysfunction (respiratory complexes I-V). Multi-scale computational approaches such as atomistic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations, density functional theory calculations and hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical simulations are performed to understand enzyme mechanism in great depth. For this purpose, high performance supercomputing infrastructure (CSC, Finland and PRACE) are utilized together with extensive collaborations with experimental groups in Finland and abroad.
The Computational Field Theory Group studies properties of field theories in particle physics and cosmology using large-scale numerical simulations. Recent research topics include e.g. beyond the standard model physics, quantum chromodynamics, phase transitions and generation of gravitational waves.
In order to understand experimental results modeling of the studied phenomena is needed. Computational methods are used widely in the field of materials physics. The Group of Computational Physics has in its use methods covering many time and length scales, starting from quantum mechanical calculations at atomic level and picosecond time scales and up to continuum modeling of materials and macroscopic times scales. Initially modeling was used in connection with ion beam physics experiments that are far from the thermodynamical equilibrium. Currently, modeling is also used in many equilibrium phenomena. The group has in its disposal computer clusters located at the Kumpula campus area and the supercomputers at the Finnish IT center for science, CSC.
The Mathematical Physics Research Group works on mathematically rigorous analysis of a wide variety of problems including quantum and statistical field theories, transport and kinetic theory of phonons, waves and quantum evolution, open quantum systems, turbulence and stochastic evolution equations, such as the Schramm–Loewner evolution. The group is connected to the Finnish Center of Excellence in Randomness and Structures.
The Molecular Spectroscopy and Theoretical Chemistry Group's research interests include the following: Investigation of spectroscopic properties of atmospherically important molecules and complexes, such as water clusters which play a key role in atmospheric processes such as cloud formation, the greenhouse effect and acid rain catalysis. An accurate and efficient description of long distance forces (van der Waals dispersion interactions) in molecular clusters and nanoparticles. Molecular dynamics studies of chemical reactions, scattering, ionization and solvation effects of acids interacting with ice, mineral, and wet surfaces. Development of theoretical and computational tools describing internal molecular motions.
The particle cosmology group studies models for elementary particles and their interactions and their applications in cosmology. Our research focuses on quantum field theory and theories beyond the Standard Models in particle physics and cosmology. Phenomena we consider include inflation, production of dark matter abundance and phase transitions in the early universe.
Non-standard methods to evaluate large and structured sums of products – especially methods involving moderately exponential-time algorithms – have great prospects to significantly advance the state of the art in algorithm theory and computational statistics. The Sums of Products Research Group's mission is to implement this vision by studying (a) algorithm theory of computing sums of products, (b) sums of products in computational statistics, and (c) applications in science and technology.
We are interested in a wide variety of problems in theoretical physics, including string theory and quantum gravity, quantum field theory at strong coupling, holographic duality and its possible applications, and quantum information theory.
For more detailed description, see here.