Meet the people in the programme

As a student in the Master’s Programme in Neuroscience, you will benefit from the expertise of our notable scholars. Our professors possess both solid teaching experience and broad research credentials.

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  • Application process
  • Admission requirements
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Application enclosures

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Con­tact per­sons for sub­ject-spe­cific ques­tions

Primary con­tact per­son for MSc and PhD stu­dents in neuroscience study­ing for the de­gree in Eng­lish or Finnish.

Primary con­tact per­son for stu­dents in neuroscience or physiology study­ing for the MSc de­gree in Swedish or for the qual­i­fic­a­tion of biology teacher

Programme director and vice director
Professors and lecturers

Petri Ala-Laurila's research group Neurobiology of Vision

 Kristian Donner's research group Laboratory of Visual Neurophysiology and Psychophysics

 Kai Kaila's research group Labor­at­ory of Neuro­bi­o­logy

 Reijo Käkelä's research group Functional lipidomics

Svetlana Molchanova's research group Basal ganglia circuits

 Ulla Pirvola's research group Aud­it­ory physiology

 Tomi Rantamäki's research group Neurotherapeutics

Francisco Rivera's research portal

 Henna Tyynismaa's research group Med­ical Neuro­gen­et­ics group

 Vootele Voikar's research group Mouse behavioural phenotyping 

Henna-Kaisa Wigren is part of the Sleep Team Helsinki Group

More about the programme