Call for papers

The X Conference on Childhood Studies
Abstract Submission Instructions

Deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended until February 27, 2024.

We decided to extend the deadline for submitting abstracts for The X Conference on Childhood Studies at the request of the public.

New deadline for call for papers is extended until February 27, 2024.

The notification of acceptance on this extended call is March 5, 2024.

Conference theme is Childhood and Communities.

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Abstract Submission Instructions

Abstract submissions are accepted only electronically by using the on-line submission system.

“Submit your abstract” 

Accepted contributions will be presented either as oral (you can choose if you prefer to present live or online), poster or symposium workshop presentations, according to the final decision by the Scientific Committee. Acceptance of the abstract is subject to acceptance by the Scientific Committee and the Committee has all rights to accept or reject the abstract. The acceptance letters will be sent by February 26, 2024 (subject to changes).

All accepted abstracts will be published at the congress, subject to the author registering as a paid delegate. The accepted abstracts will be published as typed by the author, including any errors in grammar, spelling or scientific facts.

If you want to submit a proposal for a self-organized symposium, please note that the chair has to submit an overall description of the proposed symposium as an abstract. Moreover, all the participants have to submit the abstract of their presentation separately. They should choose “symposium” as a session type and then announce within their abstract the name of the symposium the abstract belongs to.

If you have any questions about the submission process, please contact the congress secretariat directly at

Instructions for Abstract Submission


The abstract topic should be related to one of these themes:

  1. The role of communities in creating children’s habitats and well-being in childhood
  2. The wellbeing of children in different areas of society; daycare, schools, spare time, family- and working life, the economy and security (etc.)
  3. Multidisciplinary work and collective responsibility in supporting the well-being of individual children and their communities in/after crisis
  4. Factors that decrease or increase well-being and resilience in the everyday communal structures in which children live
  5. Children's role in societies and communities
  6. Children's everyday life
  7. Other


The title should be typed in using small letters, title starting with a capital letter, and should not exceed 15 words. Do NOT type the full title in capital letters.

The title should clearly define the topic.

Authors and Affiliations

Please fill in the author details as requested on the form. Kindly mark only one author as the presenter.

The first author’s name should be the name of the presenter.

One person can leave only one abstract in which he acts as the 1st author of the abstract in question. The same person can also be involved in other abstracts as a co-author. Number of co-authors is limited to 6 per abstract.

Body of the abstract

The maximum size of the abstract is 250 words. The 250-word limit does not include the title or author details of the abstract; the limit is for the actual text of the abstract.

The abstract must be structured in the following four specified subtitles: Background aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions. No tables or graphs can be inserted.

Terms and conditions

In submitting an abstract all presenters agree to the following terms and conditions: 

- I confirm that each author / presenter listed agree with the content of this abstract and has given permission to be listed as an author / presenter.

- I have checked the accuracy of the information and referencing within this abstract. 

- I understand that should my abstract be accepted for presentation, I am required to complete a conference registration. I understand that my abstract will not be published until my registration and full payment has been received.

- I hereby provide permission for the Organisers and Committee of the Conference to publish my abstract in the Conference

- I understand that my abstract will be published, if accepted, as submitted and that no editing to grammar or spelling will be undertaken by the Organizing Committee.

Submission process

1. Log in to the abstract submission page. If you have created an account please use your passwords. If you are logging in for the first time please select the Create New Account –option. Kindly notice that only abstracts submitted using the on-line system can be accepted.

                      1. Fill in your e-mail address and your preferred password. Click Create New Account.

                      2. Click Update Contact Information and then Create Contact

2. Select Abstract Submission from the top of the page.

3. Fill in the requested details:

1.     Type in the title according to the instructions given

2.     Choose the preferred presentation type

3.     Choose the theme

4.     Fill in the author & affiliation details

5.     Type your abstract to the text field

6.     Preview your abstract and click Continue

7.     Accept the terms and conditions and then submit your abstract by clicking Submit

At any time in the process you can click the Save As Draft button to save your incomplete submission and return to it later. You can edit – until the submission deadline - the draft version of your abstract. Once you have clicked “Submit” you can no longer edit your abstract.

“Submit your abstract”