The X Conference on Childhood Studies

Welcome to the X Conference on Childhood Studies May 15 –17, 2024!

The main event organized by the Finnish Society for Childhood Studies is the annual/bi-annual Childhood Studies –Conference that was organized for the first time in 2009 in Tampere, Finland.
The next Childhood Studies Conference will be held in Helsinki, Finland, in 2024. We warmly welcome you to join us either online or in person in Helsinki in the spring 2024!

Conference theme: Childhood and Communities

Communities have an essential role in creating children’s habitats and well-being in childhood. As a result of the recent pandemic and other ongoing crises, the well-being of children has become a topic of discussion in daycare, schools, spare time, family- and working life, the economy, and security. When facing difficult circumstances and crises we are tackling complex problems that need a systemic and multidisciplinary approach in order to be solved. We need to engage different actors and endorse collective responsibility to support the well-being of individual children and their communities.

The aim of this conference is to bring together scholars from different research fields to share and discuss insights on factors that decrease and increase well-being and resilience in the everyday communal structures in which children live.

PLEASE NOTE! We have extended the Early-Bird registration period until 27 March!

Upcoming timelines:


  • 1 December: Abstract submission begins 


  • 2 January: Registration begins (Early-Bird fee is applied)
  • 2 February: Deadline for abstract submission
  • 26 February: Notification of acceptance
  • 27 February: Extended deadline for call for papers
  • 5 March: The notification of acceptance on abstracts submitted in extended call 
  • 27 March: Early-Bird registration closes
  • 28 March – 31 April: Regular registration fee applied
  • 1 May onwards: Late registration fee is applied
  • 15th – 17th May: Conference

X Conference on Childhood Studies in 2024 is organized by the Finnish Society for Childhood Studies In English - Lapsuudentutkimuksen seura (, Itla Children’s Foundation Itla – Equal wellbeing for children and families and The Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki Faculty of Educational Sciences | University of Helsinki. Venue: University of Helsinki (Specific venue to be advised).

#Childhood2024 #ChildhoodConf2024