With the constant growth of urban population worldwide, there is an increasing need to develop cities that are environmentally and socially sustainable, functional and supporting well-being of their inhabitants. When striving towards these goals, transportation and mobility play a crucial role.
The conference calls for presentations on advancements in the field of transport, communication and mobility. The focus of the conference will be on urban transportation and the new possibilities that open data and digital technologies provide for mobility solutions. For example, presentations may discuss how transport policies are and should be changing, present emerging ways of organizing the daily mobility to make cities more sustainable and more pleasant or present novel ways of analyzing transportation and mobility from the perspective of people.
We invite papers discussing on the following topics of interest:
In addition to these topics, we welcome papers on topics in fields of transport, communications and mobility at large. General topics of interest include transport and infrastructure evaluation, transport policy and environment, logistics and freight, tourism, recreation and leisure, housing and labour markets, accessibility analysis, social and health issues and ICT.
The different NECTAR clusters will also organize specific thematic sessions. Call for papers for all the sessions can be found from the following links:
These two special sessions are organized by the Transport and Geography Commission of the International Geographical Union (IGU).
The paper submission has now closed.
Abstracts must follow the guidelines of this abstract submission template
All presentations are oral presentations
The participant can submit only one abstract to the conference
Abstracts should be submitted electroniclly
Scope, scientific quality, NECTAR membership and the possibility to fit the presentation in a coherent conference session.
Abstracts will be selected by 25.2.2019. The authors of the selected papers will be informed of the selection personally.
Selected papers are invited to submit an extended abstract (1000 words) before April 30, which will be published on the NECTAR website
There will also be a possibility to provide a full article published in a book after the conference
Selected abstracts will become publicly available on this conference website. The extended abstracts will be published on the conference page of the NECTAR website, accessible to NECTAR members only.
UPDATE: Deadline for the abstract submission is extended to January 31, 2019 for all calls and sessions.
The registration for the conference will open by 4.3.2019 for the authors of selected abstracts. The authors will be informed personally and they will receive a registration form.
The keynote sessions and a panel discussion will open for the general public.
For the rest of the conference, only the NECTAR members with accepted abstracts can take part.
Registration, meals and accommodation for two nights will be offered to NECTAR members, for only one author per paper. Two nights of hotel accommodation will be offered to participants who have confirmed their participation by sending copies of travel tickets before April 30, 2019. All practical details will be communicated through this website. In order to participate in the Conference, a consecutive and current two-year NECTAR membership is necessary (2019-2020). Non-members can find details of how to join the association on the “Membership” page of NECTAR’s website: www.nectar-eu.eu/membership
Abstract submission |
21.1.2019 |
Notification of acceptance |
4.3.2019 |
Registration opens |
4.3.2019 |
Submission of extended abstracts |
30.4.2019 |
Registration deadline |
30.4.2019 |
Conference |
5 - 7.6 2019 |