
The ”Great White North”? Crit­ical Per­spect­ives on White­ness in the Nor­dics and its Neigh­bours

PhD workshop

Monday, 26 August 2019, Metsätalo, lecture room 5 (Unioninkatu 40)

9.15-9.30 Coffee & Registration

Session 1

Amiirah Salleh-Hoddin (University of Helsinki),

Participatory Approach in Developing Equality Data:

Using Statistics to Map and Counter Racial and Ethnic Inequalities in Finland

(commentator: Daria Krivonos)

Tuire Liimatainen (University of Helsinki),

Contemporary Sweden-Finnish activism, construction of minority identity and

transnational connections – An analysis of the repatriation debate of Karolinska Institutet’s

collection of Finnish skulls (commentator: Kristin Gregers Eriksen)

Daria Krivonos (University of Helsinki),

Passing and whiteness among young Russian-speaking migrants in Helsinki

(commentator: Amiirah Salleh-Hoddin)

11.30-12.30 Lunch (Café Viola, Kaisaniemenranta 2)

Session 2

Nelli Ruotsalainen (University of Helsinki),

White feminists, Anti-Racism and Privilege

(commentator: Anna-Leena Korpijärvi)

Ella Alin (University of Helsinki), Relationships at the intersection of

gender and race: deconstructing whiteness in multicultural Finland

(commentator: Nelli Ruotsalainen)

Anna-Leena Korpijärvi (University of Helsinki),

Whiteness and its discontent. Practical issues encountered during

a dissertation study (commentator: Frederik Forrai Ørskov)

14.30-15.00 Coffee break

Keynote speech by Kristín Loftsdóttir (University of Iceland),

“Not So Exceptional”: Making Whiteness, Racism and the North in the Dust of a Big Lie

Chair: Josephine Hoegaerts (University of Helsinki)

16.00-16.15 Break

Session 3

Ruzica Radulovic (University of Arts in Belgrade),

Cultural Translation of the Other in the contemporary Nordic literatures

(commentator: Tuire Liimatainen)

Kristin Gregers Eriksen (University of South-Eastern Norway),

Mainstreaming Indigenous education in the Norwegian Primary

School Classroom – Reinforcing Otherness through the Affective technologies

of Whiteness (commentator: Ella Alin)

Frederik Forrai Ørskov (University of Helsinki),

White Nights and Blondes on the Beach: Nordic Whiteness in

Danish Tourist Promotion in the 1930s (commentator: Ruzica Radulovic)

18.15-18.20 Concluding remarks
19.00 Dinner (The Cock restaurant, Fabianinkatu 17)



Tuesday, 27 August 2019, Metsätalo, lecture room 4 (Unioninkatu 40)

8.30-9.00 Registration
9.00-9.20 Opening the conference

Keynote speech by Suvi Keskinen (University of Helsinki),

Nordic Whiteness, Colonial/Racial Nexus and Rewriting of Finnish History

Chair: Laura Siragusa (University of Helsinki)

10.20-10.45 Coffee break

Panel 1: The ‘other’ within

Chair: Riikka Tuori (University of Helsinki)


Ainur Elmgren (University of Helsinki), “The Other was Comely to Behold” – Finns

and Tatars Testing the Limits of Whiteness 1900-1944 

Karina Lukin (University of Helsinki), They are Moribund Peoples.

Building Counter-identities for Finns in the 19th century Siberia  

Howard Sklar (University of Helsinki), “The Wandering Jew” as Religious and

Racial Other in Pär Lagerkvists Sibyllan and Ahasverus död

Tiina Seppä (University of Eastern Finland), Whiteness and Racialization in

Context of The Greater Finland. Case: Samuli Paulaharju in Kinship War 

12.45-13.45 Lunch (Café Viola, Kaisaniemenranta 2)

Panel 2: Migration and multiculturalism

Chair: Mari Toivanen (CEREN/University of Helsinki)


Mikko Malmberg (University of Helsinki), The Rise of Migrant Rappers and

the Unquestioned Whiteness of Finnish Rap Scene

Maïmouna Jagne-Soreau (University of Helsinki/Sorbonne), To wake up as suedi:

growing up brown in a white Sweden

Tuuli Kurki (University of Helsinki) & Kristiina Brunila (University of Helsinki),

Colonial imaginaries in psychoeducation for migrants and refugees 

Jaanika Kingumets (Tampere University), Migrants’ Ways of Dismantling Differences

and Constructing Sameness through Culture and Whiteness Talk:

The Case of Estonian and Russian-speaking migrants’ Facebook conversations in Finland 

15.45-16.00 Coffee break

Keynote speech by Anne-Marie Fortier (Lancaster University),

Unmarked white monolingualism? Thoughts about the (new) common-sense politics of

language and citizenship

Chair: Tuire Liimatainen (University of Helsinki)

17.00-17.15 Coffee break

Panel 3: Experiencing Whiteness in Finnish Colonialism

Chair: Janne Lahti (University of Helsinki/Free University of Berlin)


Ritva Kylli (University of Oulu) & Sami Lakomäki (University of Oulu),

Drinking Boundaries: Alcohol, Colonialism, and Race in Sápmi, 1600–1900

Elina Arminen (University of Eastern Finland), Adventure on the Arctic Ocean.

Kaarlo Hänninen’s Swashbucklers and Finnish Colonialism

Timo Särkkä (University of Jyväskylä), Colonialism and the Camera:

C. T. Eriksson’s Photographic Representations of Race and Class in

Early Colonial Rhodesia

Comments: Rinna Kullaa (University of Tampere/University of Vienna)

19.00 Reception at the University of Helsinki

Wednesday, 28 August 2019, Metsätalo, lecture room 12 (Unioninkatu 40)


Panel 4: Concepts and vocabularies of whiteness

Chair: Peter Stadius (University of Helsinki)


Elizabeth Peterson (University of Helsinki), Teaching about race and English

language in ”The Great White North” 

Marja Peltola (University of Helsinki), Masculinity, the norm of Whiteness and

egalitarian ideologies: 12–15-year-olds’ narratives on multiethnicity in school 

Kaisa Ilmonen (University of Turku), Introducing Intersectionality? The Politics

of Introducing Research Concepts and the Practice of Multiplying Genealogies 

Riikka Taavetti (University of Helsinki), ”The Dark Foreign Man”: Invisible Whiteness

in Finnish Sexual Life Stories from the 1990’s

11.00-11.15 Coffee break

Keynote speech by Nelson Maldonado-Torres (Rutgers University),

Toward a Phenomenology of White Consciousness from a Decolonial Point of View

Chair: Pirjo Virtanen (University of Helsinki)

12.15-13.15 Lunch (Unicafé Metsätalo)

Panel 5: Classifying, inventorying, categorizing

Chair: Johanna Enqvist (University of Helsinki)


Aaro Tupasela (University of Helsinki), Genetic Romanticism - Constructing

the Corpus in Finnish Folklore and Rare Diseases 

Heidi Haapoja-Mäkelä (University of Helsinki), People’s Heritage? Intangible

Cultural Heritage Inventorying and the ideal of White and Middle-class Finnishness 

Maja Hagerman (University of Helsinki), East Baltic, Lapp and Nordic types at the

Swedish State Institute for Racial Biology. Herman Lundborg categorizing races in the north. 

14.45-15.00 Coffee break

Panel 6: A history of exceptionalism?

Chair: Anu Lahtinen (University of Helsinki)


Peter Stadius (University of Helsinki), A new white city? Modernity and

Race at the Stockholm Exhibition 1930  

Saga Rosenström (University of Helsinki) & Barbora Žiačková (University of Oxford),

Ideal Woman, Ideal State: The romanticisation of the white Viking woman as an

archetype of Nordic gender equality and national identity 

Teivo Teivainen (University of Helsinki), Coloniality of Power in Finland 

Miika Tervonen (Migration Institute of Finland/University of Helsinki),

Whitewashed history? Minorities and national gaze in Finnish historiography

16.55-17.00 Concluding remarks