Data Protection Statement

Submitting paper/poster, panel, or roundtable proposals for the Aleksanteri Conference 2019

The University of Helsinki processes data concerning applicants and submissions in order to carry out the selection process for the 19th Annual Aleksanteri Conference “Technology, Culture, and Society in the Eurasian Space” of the Aleksanteri Institute at the University of Helsinki.

This statement describes how we process the data you have submitted in your application and the rights you have to your personal data. The University of Helsinki only processes data relevant to its duties.

1. Controller of the data and contact details

Controller of the data: University of Helsinki, PO Box 3, 00014 University of Helsinki, tel. switchboard +358 9 0294111

Contact: Eeva Korteniemi, Conference Secretary - serves as the contact person for the controller of this data file, email

Data protection officer of the University of Helsinki, contact:

2. Name of the data register

19th Annual Aleksanteri Conference “Technology, Culture, and Society in the Eurasian Space” Submissions Data Register.

3. The purpose of processing your personal data

The University of Helsinki processes your personal data in association with evaluation of submissions for the 19th Annual Aleksanteri Conference “Technology, Culture, and Society in the Eurasian Space” at the Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki.

4. What kind of personal data is being processed and where does that data originate?

We process the data that the applicant submits in the electronic submission form. All the data originates from the applicant.

5. Who will have access to my data?

Data is processed by the administrators of the Submissions Data Register who need the data for administering the conference submissions process. Data on the submissions are also being used by submission reviewers. These reviewers are bound by obligations of non-disclosure and prohibition of use. The names and institutions of accepted presenters, accepted paper / poster, panel and roundtable titles, and abstracts will be published on the conference website.

6. Transfer of data outside the EU or the European Economic Area

No data submitted in your application is being transferred outside the EU or the European Economic Area.

7. How and for how long will your data be stored?

Data is stored electronically for the duration (max. one year) mandated by the University of Helsinki archiving plan.

8. Your rights to your data

You have the right to know what data of yours the University of Helsinki processes. Data in the Submission Data Register is only the information you submitted on your application. By submitting the application, you have given your consent for processing this data. If you want to know which data is being processed, you can contact the contact person of the Submissions Data Register. If the University of Helsinki is processing your personal data based on consent given by you, you have a right to withdraw such consent. You have the right to request that your personal data be erased from the University of Helsinki system at any time.