KEYNOTE: Professor Christa Fouche, The University of Auckland, Results to Practice: Navigating Complexities to Create Meaningful Impact
PRESENTATION: Professor Ilse Julkunen, University of Helsinki, Beyond Knowledge Translation – Making Sense of Relations and Alliances
PRESENTATION: PhD, Docent Keegan Knittle, University of Helsinki, Experience-Based Design: Improving services and interventions
11.00-12.00 LUNCH
PRESENTATION: PhD Heidi Muurinen, University of Helsinki, Reasoning and knowledge production in practical experiments
CASE: Adjunct Professor Aino Kääriäinen, University of Helsinki, Integrating theory and practice in social work
13.00-13.30 COFFEE
PRESENTATION: Professor Antti Malmivaara, National Institute for Health and Welfare, How to study and advance effectiveness in health care: optimizing medicine
CASE: Professor Taru Lintunen, University of Jyväskylä, Practice-Based Research: Use of Action Research Case Study Method and Personal Experiences in Physical Activity Contexts
CASE: B.Soc.Sc. Lari Hokkanen, Demos Helsinki, Translating practices into policy relevant evidence within the policy process: Design for Government Framework as a Case