
Pedaforum 2019

Tuesday 4 June 2019

9:00-17:00 Network meetings 

Venue: Exactum
16:30-21 Evening programme (only for registered): visits to Accelerator Laboratory and

Kumpula Botanic Garden. After the tours there will be a cocktail hour.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Poster exhibition in Exactum entrance hall, available all day.


Network meetings

Venue: Exactum

10.00– Registration

Venue: Exactum entrance hall
09.00–11.00 Vice-Rector meeting

Venue: Exactum D123


Venue: Unicafe Exactum, Physicum (light lunch) and Chemicum

*After lunch coffee in entrance halls


Opening of the conference and greetings

Keynote: Akseli Huhtanen

Venue: Exactum A111 & B123, Physicum D101

13.00–14.15 Theme sessions, symposia and workshops I

Venue: Exactum & Physicum
14.15–14.45 Coffee

Panel discussion: The Finnish Union of University Researches and Teachers

"Science policy and the future of higher education"

Venue: Exactum A111 & B123, Physicum D101

15.45–17.00 Theme sessions, symposia and workshops II

Venue: Exactum & Physicum

Evening programme 5 June 2019

19.00– Evening gathering: dinner and music, the Old Student House (only for registered)

Thursday 6 June 2019

Poster exhibition in Exactum entrance hall, available all day.

08.45–10.00 Theme sessions, symposia and workshops III

Venue: Exactum & Physicum
10.15–11.30 Theme sessions, symposia and workshops IV

Venue: Exactum & Physicum


Venue: Unicafe Exactum, Physicum (light lunch) and Chemicum

*After lunch coffee in entrance halls

12.30–13.45 Theme sessions, symposia and workshops V

Venue: Exactum & Physicum
14.00–14.40 Keynote: Samuli Siltanen

Venue: Exactum A111 & B123, Physicum D101
14.40–15.20 Keynote: Minna Huotilainen

Venue: Exactum A111 & B123, Physicum D101
15.20–15.45 Closing of the conference

Venue: Exactum A111 & B123, Physicum D101

The programme is subject to change.

There are several theme sessions that are held in English. The venue map helps you to navigate around:

Abstract book:

The following types of presentations will be held at the Pedaforum 2019 conference:

1. Presentation

  • A. Introduction of empirical or theoretical research related to university pedagogy. Introductions familiarise attendees with research on a chosen topic. Each presentation will be allocated 20 minutes, discussion included. Presentations falling under the same theme will be held in parallel sessions, which will also have time for discussion.
  • B. Introduction of good pedagogical practices. Introductions may focus on completed developmental experiments (such as best practices or lessons learned), or projects in the planning stage. Other presentation types are also welcome. Each presentation will be allocated 20 minutes, discussion included. Presentations falling under the same theme will be held in parallel sessions, which will also have time for discussion.

2. Symposium

  • Several presentations or introductions on the same topic will be organised as a symposium. The party proposing a symposium will determine its topic and organise the symposium, including inviting experts to contribute to the session at his or her own expense. A symposium may focus on empirical/theoretical research on university pedagogy and/or good pedagogical practices/projects. The duration of a symposium is one hour and 15 minutes.

3. Workshop

  • A workshop focuses on a chosen topic in a manner determined by the party/parties submitting the proposal, in interaction with attendees. A workshop differs from a presentation by actively engaging attendees. The workshop supervisor may also invite other experts to the workshop at his or her own expense. The duration of a workshop is one hour and 15 minutes. The supervisor will decide on any restrictions to the number of participants.

4. Posters and demonstrations

  • During the seminar, participants have an opportunity to peruse posters and demonstrations introducing a range of innovations related to teaching. Posters can introduce research on university pedagogy, good practices and/or various projects for the development of academic administration. Demonstrations can include physical or virtual models/applications/platforms of various learning materials, environments and/or situations. Posters and demonstrations will be assembled into an exhibition presented in the seminar lobby. Presenters are responsible for bringing their posters/demonstrations to the location.