Please download conference abstracts as a pdf.
Opening ceremony & first key note
12-15 |
Registration Main building (Fabiansgatan 33), Ground floor |
University Main Building |
15.00 |
Opening of the conference Welcome from the organizers: Peter Stadius Next Nordic Challenges conference invitation: Caroline de la Porte (Copenhagen Business School)
Small Hall, Main Building |
15.15-16.15 |
Key Note Lecture Professor Bo Stråth (European University Institute/University of Helsinki): Norden: the Whole and its Parts in a Global Perspective
Small Hall |
Moderator: Peter Stadius |
I-1 (hall 5): The Nordic countries in a cultural-evolutionary perspective: The case of sustainable modernity? |
I-2 (hall 6): Post migration identities and generations in Nordic countries I |
I-3 (hall 8): Early Nordic Political Narratives |
I-4 (hall 10): Indexes in the making and circulation of Nordic models |
I-5 (hall 12): Nordic Responses to Soviet/Russian Challenges, 1917-2017 |
Introduction by Nina Witoszek (University of Oslo)
Comments: Atle Midttun (Norwegian Business School) Lars Trägårdh (Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College)
Tuire Liimatainen: “Morning Coffee always tastes better in a Moomin Mug” - Representations of Sweden-Finnishness in a Social Media Campaign Maïmouna Jagne-Soreau: “Allt i denna diktsvit är fiktion / förutom problemen”. Postmigration literature in the Nordic countries Daria Krivonos: Making migrant workers: labour, racialisation and gender in young unemployed Russian-speakers' encounters with labour activation in Finland |
Odd Arvid Storsveen: The birth of a Nordic political narrative? Torbjörn Nilsson: Conservatives at the crossroad – Distance or nearness to populism and extremism? Andreas Mørkved Hellenes: From Geneva to Pontigny: Sites of Nordic Democracy in Late Interwar Europe |
Tero Erkkilä, Niilo Kauppi, Meng-Hsuan Chou: Global Indicators, Competition and the Nordic Model Martin Boje Møller-Rasmussen: The idea(s) of a Nordic Model of National Competitiveness? Malcolm Langford, Tori Loven Kirkebø, Haldor Byrkjeflot, Johan Karlsson Schaffer: The role of indexes and rankings in the making of Nordic exceptionalism
Kari Aga Myklebost: The Russian Revolution of 1917: Responses in the Nordic area Hallvard Tjelmeland: Nordic strategies towards the Soviet Union in 1970s and 1980s Magnus Andersson: Norway, Finland and the “Pole Position” in Arctic affairs after the Cold War Stian Bones: Countering the idea of a race for the Arctic. The Nordic countries and Russia 2005-2010 |
Chair: Stefan Nygård |
Chair: Lotta Haikkola & Miika Tervonen |
Chair: Jussi Kurunmäki |
Chair: Johan Strang |
chair: Ainur Elmgren |
18-19: University Reception: hosted by Hanna Snellman, Dean of the Faculty of Art
Teachers Lounge, Main Building
The reception is co-organized between The Second Nordic Challenges Conference and the conference Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries. After the University Reception there will be an informal get toghether for especially PhD students and early career post docs at The Thirsty Scholar pub (Fabiansgatan 37), which will be open for the general public.
9-15: Registration. The front desk is in the main building (Fabiansgatan 33) ground floor.
Session II: 9.00-10.30
II-1 (hall 5): Experiences in Writing Nordic Historiography I |
II-2 (hall 7): Post migration identities and generations in Nordic countries II |
II-3 (hall 8): Branding the Nordic Welfare State |
II-4 (hall 10): Making and circulation of Nordic ideas into models |
II-5 (hall 12): Education in Norden |
II-6 (Hall 13): Bridges and barriers in forming Nordic identities |
Pertti Haapala: Opening and introduction: The power of methodological
Antti Häkkinen: Ten Generations – Three Centuries: A Finnish History as Family Stories Teemu Kemppainen: Crossing Borders for Health and Well-being – A mixed methods study on medical travel between Finland, Russia and Estonia. Rusten Menard: Negotiating shifting networks of discourses from marked social positions |
Alan Granadino: Between the Left and the North. The Swedish model in the PSOE’s discourse during the Spanish transition to democracy Tom Hoctor: A research agenda with(out) a history: rediscovering the Freudian origins of national branding
Caroline de la Porte: The European Pillar of Social Rights meets the Nordic Model Niels Fuglsang: The strange non-death of economic models Irma Erlingsdóttir: From a Vilification to Celebration: International Perceptions of Iceland’s 2008 Financial Crash |
Janne Holmén: Education 4.0 – Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian attempts at mitigating the challenges of technological change through education Svein Ivar Angell: Education as a Nordic Brand During the Cold War Zacharias Andreadakis: Sustainable Assessment in Nordic Higher Education: Learning from Award-winning Practices at the University of Oslo |
Claus Elholm Andersen: 'For et dumt jævla idiotland det her var'. Homelessness and Exile in Knausgård’s My Struggle Ainur Elmgren: Finnish Majority and Minority Intellectuals and the Politics of Belonging 1890-1944 John Dyce: Bron/Broen: a bridge across cultural differences? The branding of Norden as a Nordic |
Chair: Pauli Kettunen |
Chair: Lotta Haikkola & Miika Tervonen |
Chair: Mary Hilson |
Chair: Haldor Byrkjeflot |
Chair: Ruth Hemstad |
Chair: Johan Strang |
10.30-11: COFFEE BREAK
Event Session: 11.00-12.00
III-1 Theater performance and lecture (Science Corner/ Stage): Research project Divergining Fates: Travelling Circus People under National Socialism in cooperation with Teater Mestola |
III-2: Book launch (Science Corner/ Basement): A conceptual history approach to public health in Norden |
III-3: Round table discussion (hall 5): Nordic cooperation from abroad and from within |
Inledande föreläsning: Malte Gasche Performans: Alfred Molnar (1905-1988) - från rotlös kosmopolitisk rackare till stolt finsk lejontämjare (Performed in Swedish) text och regi: Fabian Silén På scenen: Ville Korander |
Conceptualising Public Health: Historical and Contemporary Struggles over Key Concepts (Routledge 2018) Presentation of the book by the editors and contributors: Johannes Kananen, Merle Wessel, Sophy Bergenheim, Ainur Elmgren |
A discussion on the current state of Nordic cooperation with perspectives by Tobias Etzold (Stiftung Wissenshaft und Politik, Berlin), Matilda af Hällström (Nordic Council’s office, Brussels), Johan Strang (UiONordic/CENS) |
moderator: Peter Stadius |
Discussant: Marja Jalava |
moderator: Johan Strang |
12.00-13.00: Lunch
Second Key Note: 13.00-14.00
Small Hall |
Key note lecture by professor Grete Brochmann (University of Oslo) Equality, solidarity and cohesion. The Nordic diversity challenge
Moderator: Johan Strang |
IV-1 (hall 5): Experiences in Writing Nordic Historiography II |
IV-2 (hall 7): Public health policy in Norden |
IV-3 (hall 8): The Nordic Welfare State – Still Social Democratic? I |
IV-4 (hall 10): Cultural diversity and Nordic Societies |
Pelle Oliver Larsen: National professorships and transnational |
Kari Tove Elvbakken: Reforming Nordic Public Health Institutes – from uniformity to diversity? Zuzana Nordeng: Europeanisation of health care systems: implementation of EU Rules on Cross-Border Care in Norway Sophy Bergenheim: Finnish population policy in the 1930s–1960s: from a homogenising bourgeois ‘defence strategy’ to universal(ish) welfare state policy? |
Pauli Kettunen: The Nordic Welfare State – a Social Democratic Project? Klaus Petersen (SDU) & Urban Lundberg (Stockholm University): Lost? - The Cultural Retrenchment of Danish and Swedish Social Democracy Commentator: Christopher Lloyd (University of New England/University of Tampere/University of Helsinki) |
Anna Derksen: Full Participation and Equality? Nordic Perceptions of Disability around the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) Marja Peltola: Masculinities and ethnicities in 11-14-year-old boys living in Helsinki Jón Ingvar Kjaran & Jukka Lehtonen: Lost opportunities in the lands of “achieved equality”: Nordic perspectives on sexual diversity in education |
Chair: Pertti Haapala |
Chair: Johannes Kananen |
Chair: Pauli Kettunen |
Chair: Merle Wessel |
IV-5 (hall 12): 19th Century Scandinavist Visions and Practices |
IV-6 (hall 13): Negotiations and visions - Urban development and green areas in past and present Helsinki |
IV-7 (hall 6): Shifting Foreign Images of Sweden During the Long 1990s |
Jens Olesen: Scandinavianism: Visions of Unity and national interests Andrew Newby: "Brothers From the Nordic Tribe" -- Scandinavia, Finland and Famine Relief, 1857-1870 Mikael Björk-Winberg: Scandinavianism and Finland: how were Finns active in Scandinavist networks during the mid-19th century and what consequences did it have? |
Ranja Hautamäki: Negotiations between Landscape Preservation and Urbanism in Helsinki Julia Donner: Modern green - historical perspectives and future questions Mika Mäkelä: Urban renewal of the Kallio district in Helsinki
Carl Marklund: Shifts in “Sweden-bashing:” Themes and tropes in the critical discourse on Sweden – comparing the 1980s and the 2010s. Nikolas Glover: From subversive aid provider to equal trade partner: attempts to capitalize on Sweden's image in South Africa in the 1990s. Andreas Mørkved Hellenes: From Model to Copyist: Swedish Self-Promotion at the Threshold of Europe
Chair: Ruth Hemstad |
chair: Peter Stadius |
Chair: Ulla Manns |
15.45-16.15: COFFEE BREAK
V-1 (hall 5): Experiences in Writing Nordic Historiography III |
V-2 (hall 7): Nordic-Baltic Intersections after the Cold War |
V-3 (hall 8): The Nordic Welfare State – Still Social Democratic? II |
V-4 (hall 10): National and Nordic Narratives – Tensions and Transfers in Nineteenth Century Scandinavian Schools |
Mervi Kaarninen: The co-operation of Nordic historians in the 20th |
Jussi Kurunmäki: Finnish Foreign Policy and the Making of the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference Carl Marklund, Kazimierz Musial & Ylva Waldemarson: Reframing Identities, Interests and Strategies in a Time of Uncertainty in the Baltic Sea Region Norbert Götz: Norden in Baltic Sea Cooperation: Semi-permeability and Demarcation |
Ilkka Kärrylä (University of Helsinki) & Sami Outinen (University of Helsinki): The Changing Views of Finnish and Swedish Social Democrats on Regulation and Democracy in Economy and Working Life Heidi Vad Jønsson: Nordic Social Democracy, Migration and the Welfare State Commentator: Christopher Lloyd |
Ruth Hemstad: Images of ‘Scandinavia’ and ‘the Nordic’ in textbooks and maps after 1814 Merethe Roos: Inter-Scandinavian transfer and education debates in the mid-nineteenth century Henrik Edgren: Textbooks and national narratives in comparative perspectives
Chair: Marja Jalava |
Chair: Kari Aga Myklebost |
Chair: Pauli Kettunen |
Chair: Janne Holmen |
V-5 (hall 12): State Control and Regulation of Sexuality and Normality in Forming the Nordic Welfare State |
V-6 (hall 6, OBS! NEW LOCATION): The Nordics and issues of a global nature, ca. 1960-1980 |
V-7 (hall 4): Women in the Nordic Labour Market |
Merle Wessel: The German Castration Legislation of 1970 in a Nordic Perspective Cai Weaver: Gays, Perverts and Degenerates – The Chain of Perversion in Putin’s Russia Daniela Alaattinoglu: The Forgotten Victims? Survivors of Involuntary Castration in the Nordic Countries |
Melina Antonia Buns: Soiling Sky: On the Intention of Nordic Cooperation on Air Pollution |
Carol Azungi Dalega: Women's careers in technology-driven employment - focus on female media practitioners in Norway Hilde G. Corneliussen: Women's career trajectory in technology-driven R&I in rural communities Anna Karlsdóttir: Integration to the Labour Market, Indicators of Integration in the Nordic countries and regions |
chair: Mary Hilson |
chair: Andrew Newby |
chair: Irma Erlingsdóttir |
19: Mayor’s Reception at the City Hall (19-20 Old Court House, Aleksanterinkatu 20)
Be ready to show the invitation at the entrance
VI-1 (hall 5): Minority strategies in a Nordic majority society |
VI-2 (hall 6): Criterias for inclusion and exclusion in Nordic societies |
VI-3 (hall 7): Rhetorics of Nordicness |
VI-4 (hall 8): Nordic labour market |
VI-5 (hall 12): Region, environment and population |
VI-6 (hall 13): Models for soft Nordic policy |
Eija Stark: Quest of the Folk. Ethnicity representations in the Finnish folk narrative tradition Simo Muir: Post-war Politics of Memory among Jews and Roma in Finland Urban Claesson: The household as a synchronizing force in Nordic history
Mats Wickstöm: From historical fact and prerequisite of welfare to nationalist myth and retrogression: changing notions of homogeneity in Sweden Marjukka Weide: Making New Citizens: Discourses of Political Incorporation in Denmark and Finland Kristian Bjørkdahl: A Dugnad for the Displaced?: Making Good on Norway's Reputed Goodness in the 2015 Refugee Crisis |
Mary Hilson, Jani Marjanen & Johan Strang: Rhetorics of Nordicness Matti La Mela: Nordicness of allemansrätten, a right of public access to nature Ruth Hemstad: ‘Nordic Unity’ and ‘the Scandinavian Idea’ – Nordic and Scandinavian as Rhetorical Concepts in the Nineteenth Century Mary Hilson & Tom Hoctor: The Nordic Model |
Johanna Ahola-Launonen: Maintaining Nordic values: Against the trend of responsibilization of the individual, towards an institutional account of responsibility Ole Jacob Thomassen & Trond Løyning: Towards an Audit Society? Transformations in Justification for Supervisory Agencies in the Nordic Countries Ingrid Birce Muftuoglu: Global trends in non-financial corporate reporting: The transition from labour rights to human rights in Nordic energy companies |
Simo Laakkonen: Making of the first environmental convention in the Baltic Sea Region: Nordic Countries, United Nations, and OILPOL 1954 Corinna Casi: The Value of the Barents Region: Cultural diversity and its Natural Environment Karoliina Snell & Heta Tarkkala: Nordic Population as a Cohort for Competetiveness |
Kristine Kjærsgaard: The Rise, Fall and Potential Revival of the Nordic Peacekeeping Model Amanda Cellini: The Use of Soft Law in Humanitarianism: Towards a Nordic Brand of Refugee Resettlement Agnieszka Legutko: Welfare state and civil participation - favourable conditions to create Nordic model of NGO? |
Chair: Peter Stadius |
Chair: Miika Tervonen |
Chair: Johan Strang |
Chair: Caroline de la Porte |
Chair: Stian Bones |
Chair: Norbert Götz |
10.45-11: COFFEE BREAK
11.00-12.30: Session VII
VII-1 (hall 5): Bureaucracy, democratization, civil society and language in 19th century Norden |
VII-2 (hall 6): Work and labour market |
VII-3 (hall 7): Transfers of Nordic culture |
VII-4 (hall 8): Higher education and knowledge capital |
VII-5 (hall 12): Internal and external patterns on Branding Norden |
VII-6 (hall 13): Historical encounters and minority strategies in Norden |
Lars Mjøset: Bureaucracy, church and administrative language in Norway and Iceland in the 19th century Mette Frisk Jensen: The building of the Scandinavian states: establishing Weberian bureaucracy and curbing corruption from the mid-seventeenth to the end of the nineteenth century Risto Alapuro: Notes on the Bureaucracy in Finland and in Norway in the Nineteenth Century Apostolis Papakostas: State Autonomy and Infrastructural Capacities: Sequences and Contingencies. |
Reima Launonen: The role of work in Nordic welfare states Sami Outinen: Vanguards of Social Democratic Third Way Policy: Nordic Social Democrats, Employment and Emerging Economic Globalization 1975−1986 Shah Murad: How to Manage Nordic Labour Market: In Search of the Perfect Model |
Åsa Arping: “The Great Nordic Light”: American Bremer-mania and transfer identities in the 1840s Eija Niskanen: Moomin in Japanese animation – Finnish or Japanese original work? Jana Lainto: Imagining Denmark in the Central European Czech lands/Czechoslovakia through the works of Arnošt Kraus |
Jouni Kekäle: Changing Higher Education Policy and the Quest for the Ideal of Socially Responsible University. Services in Nordic Academia Sissel Fossat: Nordic television as national defense. Danish narratives of Nordic television 1968-1988 |
Yohann Aucante: Paradoxes of universalism: Scandinavian welfare between national and global imaginations Michael Livingston: Dreamworld or Dystopia?: Internal and External Perspectives on the Nordic Model in the 21st Century Jon Reiersen: Americans Prefer Sweden and Norwegians Prefer Norway |
Johanna Wassholm & Ann-Catrin Östman: Trading minorities and cultural encounters on town markets in late 19th century Finland Malte Gasche: Security Practices of Circus People with Transnational Backgrounds during the Early Years of the Nordic Welfare States Maren Jonasson: Bewildering narratives and constant mobility: Survival strategies of two African-American women making their living in the Nordic countries 1874–1897 |
Chair: Andrew Newby |
Chair: Klaus Petersen |
Chair: Claus Elholm |
Chair: Jani Marjanen |
Chair: Malcom Langford |
Chair: Eija Stark |
Lunch: 12.30-13.15
13.15-15.00: Final session
15.15: Presentation of ReNEW: Peter Stadius, Haldor Byrkjeflot
Small Hall |
15.50: Panel: Visions for research on Norden Panelists: Thomas Wilhelmsson, Claus Elholm Andersen, Mary Hilson moderator: Johan Strang |
14.50: Closing of Conference |