Abstract submission is closed.
The abstract book and updated conference programme with an overview of parallel paper sessions can be found here.
We welcome abstracts for individual paper presentations and symposia.
Abstracts for paper presentations should contain a description of aim, research questions, theory, methods, and (preliminary) results. The recommended length of the abstract is 200–300 words, exclusive references. Also include 3–5 keywords. Paper presentations are 20 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion.
Symposium submissions consist of a summarizing abstract of the whole symposium (250–300 words, exclusive references), including the chair and possible discussant. In addition, submissions should include an abstract of each contribution of the symposium (200–300 words, exclusive references), including a description of aim, research questions, theory, methods, and (preliminary) results. Also include the name and affiliation of all presenters. The symposium organisers are free to decide on the number, length, and order of the separate presentations. Please note that the time frame for the whole symposium is 90 minutes.
Presentations are held in Swedish, Norwegian, or Danish, but we also welcome presentations in English, following the language policy of the network. Write your abstract in the language you aim to present.
If you have any questions related to the abstract submission form, please do not hesitate to contact nnff9@confedent.fi
Abstract submission will be open March 15, 2023, and closed by May 15, 2023. The contributions undergo scientific peer review, and notification of the accepted abstract will be notified by June 15, 2023.