Call for papers

New Horizons in Action and Agency

Conference on Practical Philosophy

Practical philosophy web pages

University of Helsinki

26th and 27th August, 2019

Keynote speakers:

  • Kirk Ludwig
  • Alfred Mele

The aim of this two-day workshop is to provide a venue in which a small number of participants can enjoy in-depth discussion of innovative work on action and agency.

We invite abstracts on such topics as mental action, trying, action sentences, intending, self-control, and practical reasoning, among others.

Five to six slots on the programme will be filled by the call for papers. The selection of papers for presentation will be based on blind review of long abstracts of between 500 and 1000 words. To apply, please submit your anonymised abstract - preferably as PDF - by Friday, May 31st to:

Notification of acceptance will be sent by June 10th, 2019.

Papers should be suitable for a one hour slot in which time is reserved for discussion. As we would like to circulate papers among participants before the workshop, we would ask presenters to make their papers available for this on August 19th.


If you would like information about childcare options or about accessibility, please send an email to:


  • Lilian O’Brien (Univesity of Helsinki)
  • Raul Hakli (University of Helsinki)
  • Pekka Mäkelä (University of Helsinki)