Keynote Speakers

Get to know more about the keynote speakers of the Mind and Matter 2024 Conference.
Tatsuya Daikoku

I am an Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo, where I also earned my Ph.D. in Medicine. I have conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Oxford, the Max Planck Institute, and the University of Cambridge. My research focuses on the interdisciplinary field of human and artificial intelligence, particularly musical creativity. I am dedicated to developing a computational model of creativity in the brain, using neurophysiological data to explore the origins and developmental processes of creativity. Utilizing this model, I aim to formulate a novel music theory that integrates computational and neural phenomena, and to compose contemporary music. 


Matias Palva

Matias Palva is an associate professor of Brain Signal Analytics, Aalto University as well as a research director at the Neuroscience Center, HiLIFE, University of Helsinki, and a professor of Magnetoencephalography, University of Glasgow. His research utilizes computational and experimental human systems neuroscience approaches to understand healthy and pathological brain dynamics. Building on these foundations, his group also develops digital theragnostics approaches that integrate diagnostic and therapeutic functions into software medical devices. 

Jonathan Shock

I am an associate professor in the Department of Maths and Applied Maths at the University of Cape Town and an adjunct professor at the INRS Montreal. Originally from Oxford, England, I completed my PhD at the University of Southampton in 2005, in applications of string theory to understanding quantum chromodynamics. I then had postdoctoral research positions in Beijing, Santiago de Compostela and Munich before becoming a lecturer at the University of Cape Town in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics in 2013. I have a wide array of research interests and spend a lot of my time supervising students. My research interests cover machine learning (in particular reinforcement learning), theoretical physics, and neuroscience.I also love to teach! When not working, I can be found in the kitchen, with my camera, trying to get some exercise or attempting to improve my Mandarin.