
Information about the conference

Time: Fri 17.05. – Sat 18.05.2019

Venue: University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences (Siltavuorenpenger 5A), Minerva Plaza

Theme: Language teachers’ future competences

Target group: Researches and teachers in language education, teaching practice mentors, teacher educators, student teachers, other interested parties

Organiser: Research Group for Foreign Language Education at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

For more information, please contact: kaisa.hahl(at)

Lunch on Saturday: Suggestions for lunch places on Saturday

Instructions for Presenters

On Friday there will be five presentations in each theme group so the time for each presentation is 15 min. The actual presentation is 12 min and the question and answer is 3 min. At the end of the session there will be 15 min for general discussion and extra questions of all presentations. The chair for the theme group will lead the question and answer time after each presentation and at the end of the whole session.

On Saturday there are four presentations in each theme group so the time for each presentation is 20 min. The actual presentation is 15 min and the question and answer is 5 min. At the end of the session there will be 10 min for general discussion and extra questions of all presentations. The chair for the theme group will lead the question and answer time after each presentation and at the end of the whole session.

Each presenter will make sure that s/he will upload his/her PowerPoint presentation onto the laptop in the particular room before the start of the theme group. Each presentation is brought on a memory stick (flash drive) as a PowerPoint file (or similar or pdf) and will be presented from the laptop that is in the seminar room (we ask not to use own laptops). There will be an assistant to help out with this. This way all theme groups will start on time. There is internet access on the laptops and in the premises.

Instructions for Theme Group Chairs

The theme group programme includes the names of the session chairs. The last presenter of each session is the session chair. (If you see yourself in this role but are not ready for it, please contact Kaisa Hahl as soon as possible.) It is the chair’s responsibility to take care that all the presentations in the theme group are on time (start and end on time). This way all parallel sessions will be carried our simultaneously. The session chair will lead the question and answer time after each presentation and at the end of the whole session. The session chair will also make sure that the time at the end of the session is divided so that it is possible to pose a question about each presentation. There will be an assistant to help out the chair to upload presentations onto the laptop prior to the start of the session. Each room will have exact times for each presentation and reminder signs for the time remaining (3 min, 1 min, STOP).

Instructions for Poster presenters

During Friday’s coffee break there will be some poster presentations where student teachers will present their research, usually from their own laptops (so bring your laptop along if you are presenting a poster). The presentation spots will be located at Minerva Plaza. The poster presenters will prepare about 3–4 slides (or an actual printed poster) and a short 3–4 min presentation. This way the participants will have time to go listen to several poster presentations during the coffee break and poster presenters will be able to present their research to several small groups.

Scientific Committee