The Functional Precision Medicine for Blood Cancer Workshop will be held on Monday, 5th September 2022 at Biomedicum Helsinki in the Meilahti Medical Campus and at the Institute of Molecular Medicine, Finland (FIMM). The morning session is dedicated to selected talks, whereas the afternoon session will take participants on a tour of various FIMM sites introducing practical processes handled there.
Participation in the workshop is limited, and applications will be accepted from 14th June 2022 until 1st August via the online application form. Successful applicants will be personally contacted.
9-9.10 Welcome words.
9.10-9.40 Drug screening and molecular data can guide clinical treatment decisions.
9.40-10.20 Precision medicine in clinical trials - an example of the VenEx study.
10.20-10.30 Break.
10.30-11.30 Sequencing technologies and analyses.
11-11.30 Spatial profiling.
11.30-12 How to find the best drug combinations?
12-12.45 Lunch break.
13.00-15.30 Tour at sites