Sponsorship Opportunities

EALTA Conference 2023
We want to thank our generous sponsors
Cambridge University Press & Assessment Half-page ad in conference booklet
Gesellschaft für Akademische Studienvorbereitung und Testenwicklung e.V. (g.a.s.t.)

250 items for the conference bag

Coffee break


Display table

Half-page ad in conference booklet

200-300 lanyards

ETS Global B.V.

Display table

Logo on participants' bags

Matriculation Examination Board

Display table

Logo in conference booklet

Testipiste Half-page ad in conference booklet
Duolingo English Test Half-page ad in conference booklet
Suomalaisen Yhteiskoulun Osakeyhtiö Half-page ad in conference booklet
GradeMaker Display table
British Council

Full-page ad

Sponsorship contributing to 

costs for keynote speakers and workshop 


Main conference coffee break

Two early bird registrations

Two conference dinners

Lancaster University Half-page ad in conference booklet




Sponsorship options

A main conference coffee break 1.500 EUR
Table or space for display of materials 1.000 EUR
Full-page sponsorship in the conference programme 1.000 EUR
Half-page sponsorship in the conference programme 500 EUR
A pre-conference workshop coffee break 500 EUR
Company logo on participant's packs (pads, pens, to be provided) 500 EUR


We are also offering the following options

Sponsorship contributing to costs for Conference Dinner 6 x 1500 EUR
Sponsorship contributing to costs for key note speaker and workshop leaders  1500 EUR


Please feel free to suggest your contribution.


If you are interested in one of the above options, or in suggesting any other, please contact us at ealta2023@helsinki.fi. We are happy to discuss the details with you.

All sponsorship options include your logo and mentioning what you sponsored in the programme and on the conference web page. In recent years, EALTA has attracted around 250 people for the main conference and around 90 for the pre-conference workshops. It is expected to do so again in 2023.