Registration Sponsorship

British Council EALTA Emerging Researcher

Attendance Sponsorship 2023

As part of the British Council’s commitment to the field of language assessment we are sponsoring EALTA conference registration fees for emerging researchers who would like to attend the event to be held in Helsinki, Finland, from 13-18 June 2023. The sponsorship is designed to extend access to the professional language assessment community for up to 15 early-career researchers who have not attended an EALTA conference previously.



  • Currently enrolled as a PhD student (any stage but not yet submitted); those who are actively engaged in test research but not enrolled in a PhD programme or holding a PhD will also be considered on a case-by-case basis
  • Research focuses on and contributes to knowledge in the field of language assessment
  • First-time attendee at EALTA, i.e., has not previously attended the EALTA conference
  • Willingness to provide a testimonial and photograph(s) for use on the British Council website and other public channels
  • Location or origin is not restricted but please note that this sponsorship does not include any costs associated with travelling to the conference, accommodation or any other costs


To apply:

  • Provide a short, bullet-point overview of yourself: institution, year of study, and topic area of your studies
  • Attach a letter of motivation (max. 300 words) that includes
    • Your interest in the conference and its relevance to your work
    • How you will share your learning from the conference with peers and others at your educational institution
  • We are especially keen to sponsor students who will share their conference experience on social media
  • Send your application to by midnight on Friday, 21 April 2023 (anywhere in the world) – please put EALTA Registration Sponsorship in the subject line


The selection panel will be looking for a clear, strong motivation to attend, evidence of the relevance of the conference to your topic area, and concrete ideas for dissemination of your experience and learning with others in your educational context. Successful applicants will be informed by midnight, Wednesday, 26 April 2023 (UK time).