
The theme of the Creating Knowledge 2024 conference is 'Think Before You Click: Responsibility in the Digital Information Landscape.'

The programme updated on 5 June 2024.
Programme and abstracts

Please note that the conference programme may be updated. For the latest version, always check the programme on our website.

Wednesday, 5th of June, 2024

Library tours

10.00-11.00 Helsinki Central Library Oodi, (FULLY BOOKED) Street Address Töölönlahdenkatu 4 (entrance from the direction of Kansalaistori Square or Helsinki Main Railway Station).  The metro on the Main Railway Station is under construction in June!
Oodi is Helsinki's Central Library and a living meeting place in the city centre on the Kansalaistori Square.

10.00-11.00  Learning Centre, Aalto University, (LAST PLACES LEFT!) Street Address Otaniementie 9, Espoo. Metro Station Aalto University.
Harald Herlin Learning Centre offers excellent library services, expert services, and study and workspaces. The fields of study are Art and Design, Business and Economy, and Technology and Engineering.  If you have already registered for the conference, you can still register for the tour by email:

13.00-14.00  Lippulaiva Library, (LAST PLACES LEFT!) Espoo City Library, Street address Espoonlahdenkatu 8, Espoo. Metro Station Espoonlahti.
The Lippulaiva Library, situated in a shopping center, exemplifies a modern Finnish public library. You’ll explore the premises during the tour and learn about city library activities.  If you have already registered for the conference, you can still register for the tour by email:

14.00-15.00  Kaisa House, Helsinki University Library. (LAST PLACES LEFT!) Street address Fabianinkatu 30 (entrance possible from Kaisaniemenkatu and the metro). Metro Station University of Helsinki.
The main library of the University of Helsinki is a well-known tourist attraction thanks to its architecture. You will also get to know the library's services during the tour.  If you have already registered for the conference, you can still register for the tour by email:

15.00-16.00 The National Library of Finland, (FULLY BOOKED) Street address Unioninkatu 36, Helsinki. Metro Station University of Helsinki.
The National Library, housed in a beautiful historic building, preserves cultural heritage and innovates modern library services.

Once you have signed up for the tour, you will receive instructions on where to meet the group guide. All libraries are located in the metropolitan area and accessible by metro. A round-trip ticket costs around €8. It's possible to combine the tour of Kaisa and the National Library, because they are close to each other.

Arrival and City Reception

15.00-17.45  Registration and info desk open. Fabianinkatu 33, Main Building of the University of Helsinki, Entrance Hall.
18.00-19.00 City of Helsinki Reception, Banquet Hall of the City Hall, Street address Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13.
Registration is closed. Please bring your invitation to the reception.


Thursday, 6th of June 2024

Arrival and Conference Opening 

8.30-9.30 Registration and info desk open. Fabianinkatu 33, Main Building of the University of Helsinki, Entrance Hall.
9.30-10.00  Opening. Small Hall F4050
10.00-11.00  Keynote: Matti Tedre and Henriikka Vartiainen - The tide, not the waves: AI education for novice learners. Small Hall F4050
11.00-11.30  Coffee, Foyer Sirén, 4th floor and OpenAIRE presentation, F3010, 3rd floor.

Parallel Sessions (P1, P2, P3, P4)


P1 Short paper.  Small Hall F4050.  

Chair: Lillemor Lyrén

Writing centres or chatbots as peers for academic writing? Pros and cons of using chatbots –Solveig Kavli, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences/ Hvl Writing Centre and Library.

Guiding students to critically engage with text generators in written assignments – Ilona Tragel, University of Tartu, Estonia, LiisaMaria Komissarov, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Academic Honesty 2.0: Teaching academic writing with sources in the age of AI – Lisa Larsson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.  

P2 Workshop. Studium 1 F3020

Chair/host: Elina Kähö

Open Education in academia: The concept is here – now what? Helene N. Andreassen, Peter Vedal Utnes, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. 

P3 Short paper. F3017­. 

Chair: Kirsi Heino

Crafting Knowledge: Infusing Digital Literacy Through Library Makerspaces in Higher Education – Niklas Ferdinand Carlsson, Linköping University, Sweden. 

Meet the users’ needs with an updated book a librarian-session – Liza Nordfeldt, Karin Ljungklint, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

Right Info at Right Time. Providing Access to Information Literacy for Students in Decentralised Education – Cornel Borit, Ann-Karin Storøy, Hanne Dreiem, UiT University Library, Norway.


P4 Short paper. F3005

Chair: Taina Kettunen

Service Model for Promoting Information Literacy and Open RDI at Laurea University of Applied Sciences – Aino Helariutta, Minna Marjamaa, Maija Merimaa, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

Designing and Implementing a Learning Trajectory for Information Literacy: a Pilot – Merel Middelman, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands.

Problem solvers of tomorrow: Science fiction as a tool for reflection and education in sustainability – Tone Charlotte Gadmar, Heidi S. Konestabo, Edina Pozér, University of Oslo, Norway.

Lunch and Programme Continues 

12.30-13.45  Lunch, Foyer Sirén
13.45-14.45 Keynote: Minna Huotilainen: Human Brains in the Digital Information Landscape - Neuroscience of Learning and Attention. Small Hall F4050
14.45-15.30  Coffee, Foyer Sirén, 4th floor and NordINFOLIT network session, Studium 1, F3020, 3rd floor.

Parallel Sessions (P5, P6, P7, P8) 


P5 Short paper. Small Hall F4050

Chair: Katri Larmo

Developing New Dimensions of Digital Literacy by Incorporating Neuroscience Perspectives on the Social Brain – Ashley Shea, Cornell University, United States.

Challenge accepted: Rethinking information literacy education at the university library – Ida Lunde Jørgensen and, Karl Weis-Fogh, The Royal Danish Library, Denmark

Cyborgs and smartpeople - The modern information environment’s effect on professional knowledge acquisition – Sif Sigurðardóttir, Tækniskólinn, Iceland.

Session sponsor: Sage.

P6 Workshop (until 17.00). Studium 1 F3020

Chair/host: Sanna Kujala. 

Dark Arts, Light Crafts: A Workshop - Thomas Basbøll, Joshua Kragh Amudzidis-Bruhn, Mette Bechmann, Copenhagen Business School Library, Denmark.

P7 Workshop. F3017­. 

Chair/host: Tuija Korhonen

Toolkit for AI Literacy in the Teaching Library - Johanna Gröpler, Freie Universität, Germany.

P8 Short paper. F3005

Chair: Riitta Holopainen

The Academic Library as an Agent for Academic Literacy Innovation – Adam Urban, National Library of Technology, Czech Republic.

Together stronger - co-creation supports IL pedagogy in UAS libraries – Leena Elenius, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences; Riitta-Liisa Karjalainen, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences; Taina Pirhonen, Minna Kivinen, Häme University of Applied Sciences; Arja Kunnela, Jamk University of Applied Science; Elina Laineenoja, Satakunta, University of Applied Sciences; Eija Suikkanen, Turku University of Applied Sciences; Heidi Troberg, Vaasa University. Finland.

The role of academic librarians in the changing information landscape – Anna-Kaisa Sjölund, Humak, Finland.

Session sponsor: Karger.


17.45-23.00 Dinner (Hotel Arthur Ballroom. Street address Vuorikatu 19.) 
Friday, 7th of June 2024

Programme Continues 

9.15-10.15   Keynote: Siim Kumpas, Shifting the Paradigm - Addressing Manipulative Behaviour Instead of Problematic Content. Small Hall F4050.
10.15-10.45 Coffee, Foyer Sirén, 4th floor and Karger presentation F3010, 3rd floor.

Parallel Sessions (P9, P10, P11, P12)


P9 Short paper. Small Hall F4050

Chair: Katri Larmo. 

Evaluating Data Science's Impact on Improving Big Data Skills for Health Libraries & Information Scientists – Rajabu Simba, Ahila, Haruna Hussein, Ministry of Health, Dodoma, United Republic of Tanzania. 

Individually Relevant Guidance on Research Data Management to Undergraduates – The Case of RDM Intro – Aleksi Peura, Helsinki University Library, Finland. 

Plodding through the maelstrom: A new workshop in systematic research data search – Pernille Nailor, Benjamin Derksen, Andreas Helles Pedersen, Royal Danish Library, Denmark.

Session sponsor: OpenAIRE.

P10 Workshop. Studium 1 F3020

Chair/host: Kirsi Heino 

Anatomy of information literacy in the age of AI - Heli Kautonen, Leena Tonttila, University of Turku, Finland; Andrea Gasparini, University of Oslo, Norway.

P11 Teachmeet. F3017­. 

Chair: Hanna Lahtinen

How to keep the human element in distance learning: the example of Bibliob@se – Anne Guichard-Cazenave, Alexandra Tzortzi, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France.

Artificial Intelligence tools as a part of information retrieval course – Laura Parikka, University of Eastern Finland Library.

Make students leaders of their learning – Elena Collina, Paola Rescigno, University of Bologna, Italy

Library of Search Strategy Resources (LSSR): bringing together sources of search blocks for literature searching – Muguet Koobasi, Nele S. Pauwels, Knowledge Centre for Health Ghent, Ghent University and Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium, Andra Fry, LSE Library, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK, Lina Gulhane, Information Services Team, National Institute of Health and Care Excellence, London, UK, Irene Lubker, Medical University of South Carolina Libraries, MUSC, Charleston South Carolina, United States, Mark Mueller, Health Sciences Library, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Regina Saskatchewan, Canada.

P12 Short paper. F3005

Chair: Leena Elenius

Artificial Intelligence and emotions: a report on researchers’ emotional reactions when interacting with AI tools – Hege Kristin Ringnes, Mari Serine Kannelønning University Library at Oslo Metropolitan University, Andrea Gasparini, University of Oslo Library, Norway. 

Examining alternative knowledge to foster critical thinking in higher education – Pål Steiner, Bergen University Library, Norway.

11.45-13.00  Lunch, Foyer Rectoria, 2nd floor and Keenious presentation 12.30-12.40 F3010, 3rd floor .

Parallel Sessions (P13, P14, P15, P16)


P13 Short paper. Small Hall F4050.

Chair: Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

Filling a Blank: Impatience as a Lever for Libraries in Promoting Academic Integrity – Joshua Kragh Amudzidis-Bruhn, Lotte Risbæk Thomsen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. 

Stuck to the screen? Lessons learned from a digital detox experiment – Veronika Pelle, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary.

Think before and after you click –  Birgitte Munk, Erik Engelbrekt Schwägermann, Anne Berit Bagger, Copenhagen University Library, Denmark. 

P14  Workshop. Studium 1 F3020

Chair: Tuija Korhonen

Misinformation Literacy: a workshop on instructional strategies for using and evaluating sources within disinformation landscape. - Lindsay Matts-Benson, Mariya Gyendina, University of Minnesota, United States. 

P15  Workshop. F3017­. 

Chair: Taina Kettunen

Discussing AI chatbots with newcomers to the university – Krista Lepik, University of Tartu, Estonia. 

P16 Short paper. F3005.

Chair: Mariann Løkse

Learning to learn: An intervention for first-year university students – Torstein Låg, Rannveig Grøm Sæle, Oda Bjørnsdatter, Iris Borch, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. 

Bridging the Gap: Enhancing Digital Literacy Transition from School to Higher Education in Norway – Henry Langseth, Hege Folkestad, Pernille Riise Lothe, Pål Steiner, Johannes Servan, University of Bergen, Norway. 

14.00-14.30  Coffee, Foyer Sirén, 4th floor.

Parallel Sessions (P17, P18, P19, P20)


P17 Short paper. Small Hall F4050

Chair: Anne Kakkonen

“I Need to Call My Dad” – How to Think about AI in University Libraries – Ulrik Mads Hansen, Copenhagen University Library/Royal Danish Library, Denmark. 

Wrapping our minds around generative AI – Karsten Kryger Hansen, Charlotte Wind, Sabine Dreier, Aalborg University, Denmark.

Future information professionals and artificial intelligence: expectations of scientific libraries – Heidi Enwald, Anna Suorsa, Noora Hirvonen, University of Oulu, Finland.

Session sponsor: Sage. 

P18  Workshop. Studium 1 F3020

Chair: Hanna Lahtinen

The (Re)Search Swirl: a comprehensive model for understanding your own search process – Frida Wåhlström Olausson,  Helena Schmidt Burg, Louise Bjur, Gothenburg university library, Sweden. 

P19 Short paper. F3017­. 

Chair: Vilhelm Lönnberg 

Contesting ideals: Tensions between transparency and efficiency: new technologies in systematic reviews focusing on searching – Ingjerd Legreid Ødemark and Elisabeth Karlsen, University Library, Oslomet - Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. 

Adopting AI in Academic Research: Insights from Keenious at the University of Helsinki – Christian Headley, Keenious, Ireland, Päivi Helminen and Leena Huovinen, University of Helsinki Finland. 

Guiding students to a balanced use of AI-tools in information searching – Maria Unger, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. 

P20 Workshop. F3005

Chair/Host: Tiina Heino

Co-creating Competency Frameworks and Learning Paths with for Open RRI – Andrea Giraldo Sevilla, Learning Planet Institute, Université Paris Cité, France. 

15.30-15.45 Break

Parallel Sessions (P21, P22, P23, P24)


P21 Short paper. Small Hall F4050

Chair: Joshua Kragh Amudzidis-Bruhn

Nurturing Critical Consciousness through Exploration of Indigenous Scholarship – Jennifer Ward, Angela Lunda, University of Alaska Southeast Egan Library, United States. 

Lost in translation? A call for multilingually enabled digital information landscapes ­– Cosima Wagner, Freie Universität Berlin, University Library, Germany. 

Digital literacy of kinesiology students  – Ivan Čolakovac, Iva Barković, University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology, Croatia. 

P22  Workshop. Studium 1 F3020

Chair/Host: Pauli Assinen

Treasure Hunt in OpenAIRE CONNECT – Alessia Bardi, CNR-ISTI, Italy, Giulia Malaguarnera, OpenAIRE AMKE, Greece, Pauli Assinen, University of Helsinki, Finland

P23 Short paper / Wild Card. F3017­. 

Chair: Mari Hietala

Digital Skills in Higher Education: Teacher Expectations and Student Needs – Pontus Juth, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. 

Teaching methods to promote students' critical information awareness – Karin Pettersson, Helena Francke, Amanda Glimstedt, Helena Schmidt Burg, Gothenburg University Library, Sweden. 

P24 Short paper. F3005

Chair: Minna Suikka

Leaving a lasting legacy: Information preservation role in information literacy programs – Lisa Kruesi, Viviane Hessami, Monash University, Australia. 

Translating the ACRL framework for information literacy into a Swedish context: experiences from Karolinska Institute – Lovisa Liljegren, Karolinska Institutet University library. 

How to navigate the scientific publishing landscape: Journal selection and open access publishing – Heidi Konestabo, Edina Pózer, University of Oslo, Norway. 

Conference closing

16.45-17.00  Closing session. Small Hall F4050
17.00 - 18.30 Library tour, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (LAST PLACES LEFT). Myllypurontie 1. Metro Station Myllypuro.
Metropolia UAS Library in Myllypuro offers library services and space for studying. Metropolia is the largest UAS in Finland, and the fields of study in Myllypuro Campus are Health Care and Social Services, and Construction. 



Saturday, 8th June 2024

Nature hike in Nuuksio National Park (FULLY BOOKED)

Would you like to experience some Finnish nature? There is a national park just an hour outside of Helsinki and we offer a day hike there on Saturday 8th of June. 

We leave around ten o’clock (depending on the summer timetables, which are not yet released) and will return some time in the (late) afternoon. 

The programme includes a hike of some kilometers in the beautiful Nuuksio National park and a visit to Haltia Nature Centre, where we can eat a soup lunch and browse the exhibition. 

Bring comfortable shoes (sneakers are ok) and a rain jacket just in case. Also, sunscreen and a water bottle. Something to sit on is also good (can be a plastic bag or a newspaper). 

Costs are to be paid on the spot and includes: 

  • Travel 8,20 € (you need to buy your return ticket in town)
  • Lunch 13,50 € (optional, you can also bring snacks)
  • Exhibition 13 € (optional) 

The exact programme for the trip will be released later. Max 15 participants. 

Leader of the trip: Kristina Weimer