We warmly welcome you to the AIC-19 in Helsinki!
Following conferences in England 2013 and Denmark 2016, the next Atypical Interaction conference will be at the University of Helsinki, Finland, in June 2019.
The main aim of Atypical Interaction Conference is to advance research that uses qualitative methodologies, e.g., Conversation Analysis (CA), to investigate social interactions involving participants with communication disorders. Also studies with multiple and mixed methodologies and on other kinds of atypical interaction, e.g. on developmental and clinical perspectives, are welcome.
The theme of the AIC-19 is Resources and Challenges in Participation. With the theme we invite scientific presentations that analyze the practices through which the parties of interaction build up social action together, and what resources they have and what challenges they encounter in this process. Besides this theme, we would like to welcome all those with interest in asymmetrical or atypical interaction. We accept papers, posters, and data sessions. You can also submit a panel proposal of one or more sessions. Each session lasts 90 minutes.
Instructions for papers, posters and data sessions are the following:
For paper presentations, 30-minute slots will be available. These slots include time for discussion and for moving between sessions.
Posters will be at display in the hall of the 3rd floor of the new side on the University Main Building (Fabianinkatu entrance). No posters are allowed to be attached to the wall surfaces, so a number of standing poster screens are provided for the conference delegates. During two of the conference days, there is a poster period during which other conference activities are blocked so that attention goes exclusively to looking at posters. The poster size is 95 x 115 cm.
For data sessions, 60-minute slots are available. If you make a proposal for a data session, please encourage participants to enroll for the session by contacting you directly by e-mail.
The main organizer of AIC-19 is a multidisciplinary organizing board consisting of members from the Faculties of Arts, Medicine and Social Sciences. We expect to have 150-200 participants from all over the world, including Australia, Europe, and the United States from different disciplines such as linguistics, social sciences, and speech-language pathology.
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: November, 30th, 2018
Notification of acceptance: February 28th, 2019
Early bird registration closes: March 15th, 2019
Regular registration closes: May 1st, 2019
Confirmed plenary speakers are:
Michael Clarke, University College London, U.K.
Douglas W. Maynard, University of Madison-Wisconsin, U.S.
Charlotta Plejert, Linköping University, Sweden
More information is available on our conference web site at
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Minna Laakso, chair
Camilla Lindholm, vice chair
Mika Simonen, secretary
Anu Klippi, chair of the scientific committee