Lab visit on Friday

On Friday, after the conference, we will arrange a visit to the laser labs of the Chemistry Department, University of Helsinki.

The visit will include the following labs:

Time of the lab tour: Friday 10.6.2022 @ about 11:30 -14:00

Place: Chemistry Department (Chemicum), A.I. Virtasen aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki.

Transportation from the harbour to Chemistry Department will be organized. Also, coffee and sandwiches will be served before/after the lab tour. If you wish to join the tour, please fill out the registration form by 29th of May (registration closed; Those who registered will receive additional information by email prior to the visit).

The Chemistry Department is located between the city center and Helsinki airport. You need about 20 - 25 min to go to the airport by taxi, or to reach the city center by public transportation.