Guide for authors

Here you can find information for authors about the oral and poster presentations

The time allocated for each presentation is 15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions).

In every conference room, there is a computer and a screen for the presentations. The conference room computer has to be used for the presentations and your own computers are not allowed for the presentations.

Please, make sure that you give your presentation to the assistants in the conference rooms well before your assigned session. The latest during the break before your session. Check that all your figures etc. are working as they should on the conference room.

The screen in conference rooms are supporting widescreen (16:9) presentations. The format of your presentation should be either Powerpoint or pdf-format.

The format for the poster presentations is A0 portrait.

You will be assigned a specific poster stand where you can attach your poster. Material needed for attachment of your poster will be available at the conference site.

We will have a dedicated poster session where all conference audience can go through the posters. During this poster session, you are expected to be around your poster. The posters will be displayed in the same area, where we will have our coffee breaks, so you are able to show your posters also during the coffee breaks and also see other presenters posters.