15.00–16.00 Registration (with coffee)
16.00–16.10 Opening words
16.10–17.10 Invited plenary by Tommaso Milani: "Participation on whose terms?"
17.15–18.15 Parallel sessions
18.30–20.00 University of Helsinki Reception
8.00– Registration cont.
8.30–9.15 AFinLA thematic network meetings
9.15–10.15 Parallel sessions
10.15–11.00 Poster session with coffee
11.00–12.00 Parallel sessions
12.00–13.15 Lunch break
13.15–15.15 Parallel sessions
15.15–15.45 Coffee break
15.45–16.45 Invited plenary by Simo Määttä: "Diskurssi, ideologia ja osallisuus" (in Finnish)
16.45–17.45 Language expert panel
17.45–18.30 AFinLA annual general meeting
19.00 Conference dinner at restaurant Hima & Sali
9.00–10.00 Parallel sessions
10.00–10.30 Coffee break
10.30–12.00 Parallel sessions
12.00–13.15 Lunch break
13.15–14.15 Parallel sessions
14.20–15.20 Invited plenary by Anna Kristina Hultgren: "Enhancing theories of the rise of English as an academic language through cross-disciplinary participation"
15.20–15.25 Invitation to AFinLA Autumn Symposium 2023
15.25–15.30 Closing words