We at the Centre for University Teaching and Learning carry out multidisciplinary research. Our Centre has four intertwined main lines of research: active learning, psychosocial wellbeing, learning-centred teaching and changes in education. Our research encompasses all stages of the educational path. We explore undergraduate and doctoral education, academic work, and comprehensive school education. Our research focuses on the context of higher education and, within it, various discipline-specific contexts, particularly teacher education and life sciences. We use and develop a wide range of research designs and methods. Our main research lines encompass several research projects undertaken with Finnish and international collaboration partners. Our strength is in our long-term research work.
The Centre’s main research lines are active learning, psychosocial wellbeing, learning-centred teaching and changes in education.
The main themes of the research line are student and teacher learning, processes of learning, and the regulation of learning. Research focuses on the development of expertise and academic skills, approaches to learning and teaching, agency, self- and co-regulation of learning, and conceptual change. Other research topics include relationship between learning and learning environments, and pedagogical practices for transforming and supporting learning.
The main themes of this research line are wellbeing as an individual and an interpersonal, social phenomenon, and the connections between wellbeing and learning. Research on wellbeing concentrates on burnout, stress, engagement in research and studying, psychological flexibility, and academic emotions in teaching, learning and studying. Different ways of supporting wellbeing are also investigated.
The main themes of this research line include teaching, pedagogical practices and learning environments at different systemic levels of educational organisations. Research focuses on broad themes of higher education pedagogy, such as research-based instruction, multidisciplinary and multiprofessional aspects, and connections to working life. Other research topics include supporting learning and the development of expertise through various teaching, supervision, and assessment methods in face-to-face and virtual environments.
The main themes of this research line are the systemic and sustainable development of education organisations, and their leadership. Research topics include the quality of education, education reforms as well as curriculum making. Other themes include teachers as developers of their work and work environment, professional communities, and pedagogical leadership. The research line focuses on how education organisations can be developed and how different groups perceive the operations and regulators of an education organisation.