Open university courses free of charge for people fleeing from Ukraine due to the war and who have been granted temporary protection

Please note that the policy on tuition fees has been updated on 29.1.2024.

The University of Helsinki condemns the military action by Russia and expresses its support for Ukraine in this exceptional situation. As one form of support the open university courses are free of charge for people who have fled Ukraine because of the war and who are receiving temporary protection. The enrolment is free of charge until 4 March.2025.

In accordance with a Rector's decision made on 29 January 2024 any person (regardless of nationality) who has fled Ukraine because of the war and is receiving temporary protection is qualified to be exempt from tuition fees. Ukrainian citizens who have started their open university studies before the entry into force of the new Rector's decision may continue their studies free of charge until the end of the course in question.

Open university in brief

The open university provides courses from the University of Helsinki's many different fields. The courses are available to everyone.

Please note that you can not complete a university degree at the open university. However, it is possible to include the completed courses in a university degree, if you receive the right to study for a bachelor's or master's degree at a later time. 

How to enrol in open university studies: 

  1. Browse the course catalogue of the open university.

  2. Send an e-mail to and state which course you would like to participate in.

  3. Prepare to show that you are under temporary protection with a decision on temporary protection or with a residence permit card

  4. You will receive an email with further instructions. 

  5. After the enrolment, please browse the Instructions for students (open university) 

The processing time for emails is three business days. The courses will be filled in the order of the enrolment, and places cannot be reserved by email. Study fees that have already been paid will not be refunded. 

Please note, that some of the open university courses are organised at partner institutions. The study fee of these courses consists of a fee for the open university and a fee for the partner institution. In such cases, the open university fee will not be required from a student who is a citizen of Ukraine, but the partner institution may charge a fee according to its normal payment practices.  

Browse the course catalogue:

More information: 

Non-degree studies for students, whose degree studies have been suspended due the war

If your degree studies have been suspended due to war, you can apply for the right to complete non-degree studies at the University of Helsinki. Further information: Studying opportunities for persons who have arrived to Finland from Ukraine due the war 


The values of the University of Helsinki are truth, Bildung, freedom and inclusivity. Welcome.