Profile & activities

Many of the research fields included in AGFOREE integrate basic and applied research. Natural processes in phenomena spanning scales from the molecular to the global are explored together with their social and economic aspects and related policy context.
Courses and studying

A doctoral degree in AGFOREE comprises a doctoral thesis and 40 credits of doctoral studies. The studies are divided into scientific content and transferable skills studies.

Part of the studies can be completed flexibly by presenting your research at scientific conferences, teaching, supervising/mentoring others, writing popular articles and attending relevant seminars.

Visit our study planning instructions for current doctoral students on the University's Instructions for Students.

The programme organises theoretical and methodological courses with content suitable for all AGFOREE members. You can also complete doctoral-level courses from other Finnish Universities, as well as from international Universities and research institutes.

Courses in research ethics and transferable skills are offered throughout the academic year by the Doctoral School in Environmental, Food and Biological Sciences (YEB).

Get started:

Events and activities

AGFOREE's own research seminar (AGFO-106)

Many of today’s challenges and research puzzles can only be tackled by collaborative efforts across multiple scientific disciplines, and our monthly AGFOREE research seminar is a reflection of this.  In this seminar, AGFOREE doctoral researchers have the chance to present their findings and insights to a highly diverse and multidisciplinary audience. Presenters are asked to keep in mind this diversity - the audience will have to understand something that might be far out of their own discipline or comfort zone as well as to make sure that their passion and excitement for their research is shared with the audience.

Held on the first Tuesday of each month from 14.15-15.45

The AGFOREE annual meeting is aimed at doctoral researchers and their supervisors. The event theme is different each year and focuses on some of the 'bigger picture' research objectives within AGFOREE.