Employment as a doctoral researcher

Once a year, the doctoral programme opens a call for applications for university-funded doctoral researcher positions. The doctoral researchers selected for these positions complete their doctoral research employed by the university. Both current University of Helsinki doctoral researchers and new applicants planning on doctoral studies are eligible to apply for these positions.
Call for positions starting in 2025

The next application period for university funded doctoral researcher positions is 27.8.-9.9.2024.

Application instructions can be found from the University's Instructions for Students pages

Decisions for positions starting in 2024

Eval­u­ation pro­cess

AGFOREE received 38 complete and eligible applications, which were evaluated by a nine member evaluation panel. Eleven applicants were invited for interview.

Funding was awarded to:

Lukas Bornholdt, 4 years, Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry, supervisor Jussi Heinonsalo

Zoárd Kenessey, 4 years, Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry, supervisor Péter Poczai

Mikko Kesälä, 4 years, Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry, supervisor Marjo Palviainen

Rodney Okwasiimire, 4 years, Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry, supervisor Pekka Uimari

Matilda Kattilakoski, 3 years, Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry, supervisor Jenni Hultman

Pauliina Turunen, 3 years, Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry, supervisor Mari Pihlatie

Bijaya Neupane, 1 year, Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry, supervisor Edward Webb

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