Contacts & supervision

Need help? Looking for a supervisor? From this page, you can find the contact information for the administrative personnel the doctoral programme, the board of the programme and as well as information where to search for supervisors.
Administration and other contact information


P.O. Box 63 (Haartmaninkatu 8)

00014 University of Helsinki, Finland

Visiting address

Biomedicum 1 (3rd floor) B327

Board of DocPop

Keski-Rahkonen Anna, director

Elovainio Marko

Jyväkorpi Satu

Lallukka Tea

Ollikainen Miina

Pyörälä    Eeva

Mela Matilda, student representative

Sylgren Inka, student representative

How to find a su­per­vi­sor?

The doctoral programmes require that each applicant must have 1-3 supersisors before applying for a doctoral study right. It is the responsibility of the applicant to find a supervisor and discuss and agree on the research and study plans with him/ her. A good starting point for finding a potential supervisor is University of Helsinki research portal.