Profile & activities

The identity, mission and the function of dental medicine are unique. This field of science includes wide variety of clinical and non-clinical academic fields of research. FINDOS offers an excellent working environment, where young dental researchers get all the necessary guidance and support to develop into the future’s academic dentists.
Key research areas

The main fields of the FINDOS doctoral programme are:

  • Normal and disturbed dental, facial and skull development and its genetic regulation
  • Controlled tissue generation and bioresorbing material
  • Stomatognathion and its pathological conditions
  • Oral Infections and their mechanisms
  • Oral health care
  • Cancer biology
  • Oral implements of  systemic diseases

The research groups of FINDOS have research laboratories on Meilahti and Viikki campuses. FINDOS has doctoral researchers from Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences.

Studies in FINDOS

Doctoral researchers have the opportunity to participate in an excellent research training program including basic and advanced courses offered locally, nationally and internationally. The course offerings include an extensive variety of practical training courses, seminar series and scientific symposia. Doctoral researchers also participate in courses in areas including transferable skills.

PhD can­did­ate or­gan­isa­tion activ­it­ies

FINDOS programme strongly encourages doctoral researchers to participate in various student activities to create an engaging and vibrant co-curricular experience. FINDOS student activities aim to develop leadership and transferable skills among the student community. Student activities include for example:

FINDOS Science Club is a student-led initiative that aims to develop the student’s transferable skills through meeting regularly in an informal way, networking, and working together on various activities. Engagement in such activities will have a valuable impact on both academic and social levels.

Doctoral researchers have many opportunities to participate in planning activities and influence on decision-making in doctoral education. Further information is available in the Instructions for students on the article Doctoral students as student representatives

National FINDOS

FINDOS is a truly networked national doctoral programme. The collaboration benefits all parties. FINDOS Helsinki operates in the University of Helsinki, Institute of Dentistry, and it is part of the national network that consists of the units that give dental education in the Universities of Eastern Finland, Oulu and Turku. FINDOS doctoral programme also collaborates with the Institute of Biotechnology in the University of Helsinki. The Finnish Dental Society Apollonia and Planmeca Ltd. are also important partners for FINDOS.