Description of document publicity at the University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki is an academic institution whose operations are based on the Universities Act. This means that the documents generated by our operations are primarily public on the basis of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities.

In this description of document publicity, we describe the documents produced at the University and how you can request them for viewing. Another goal is to help you describe as clearly as possible which documents or datasets your information requirements cover. The list of data pools and the datasets they include will be updated under the relevant sub-sections.


First, consider the topic of your request and the period from which you need information. Check under the appropriate sub-section of the section “University data pools” (teaching and studying, research, support services) whether a direct information service address exists for the topic associated with your request. Direct addresses are available, for example, for certificate copies and recruitment. Further information on which and what kind of documents have been produced at the University over the past 400 years or so can be found in the last section entitled “Duties of the University”.

If you cannot find a direct address matching your topic, please submit your information request to the University’s Registry at or call +358 2941 22222.

In addition to the topic and the period, please indicate in your request for information any other further details and identifiers that will speed up the processing. You should, however, avoid sending special categories of personal data (e.g., health data, other private details).

Request for information concerning confidential or discretionary information

Some documents and information are confidential. The criteria for confidentiality are defined in the Act on the Openness of Government Activities. When requesting information on a confidential document or documents which can only be disclosed under certain conditions, you must state the purpose for the request and be able to prove your identity. We may also ask you for other additional information if this is necessary to clarify the conditions for disclosure. Requests for confidential documents must be made in writing. You can do so using a form (will be updated here soon).

Direct addresses for information requests

  • Certified copies of degree certificates (graduates of the University of Helsinki): Please request a copy from your faculty’s on-site services in accordance with these instructions.
  • Certificates and transcripts of studies (attending students of the University of Helsinki): You can download these documents from the Sisu student register yourself. In case of problems please reach out to Student Services.
  • Requests for the verification of the study-related data of a current or former student can be sent via email to registrar(at) (For the data to be disclosed in writing, the request must be accompanied by a consent to the data disclosure signed by the current or former student.)
  • Data requests under the Act on the Openness of Government Activities: submit an application by email to or to the following address: Opetus- ja opiskelijapalvelut, tietopyynnöt, PL 59 (Unioninkatu 38), 00014 Helsingin yliopisto.

Fee criteria for the data service of the student register

The University charges a fee per person unit for the data it provides by bulk disclosure in accordance with these criteria, unless otherwise stipulated or agreed in the case of a specific disclosure of data. A person unit refers to the data, or part of the data, connected to a single person in the student register. The disclosure of data refers to their transfer from the student register for purposes other than student registration.

The fee per person unit is €0.28 (+ VAT). However, the fee for the University of Helsinki Student Union, student nations and faculty organisations for data required for their operations, with the exception of commercial and business activities, is €0.06 (+ VAT) per person unit.

In addition to the fee per person unit, a fee of €42.05 per hour (+ VAT) is charged for staff costs.

The fee per person unit is waived
- In the case of government agencies or institutions which have a statutory right to access the data if this exemption is based on reciprocity or general practice
- In the case of University departments or institutes
- When the data are disclosed for the purposes of a thesis or scholarly research or for educational purposes
- When disclosing a considerable amount of data at the same time to foundations that provide student health or housing services
- For reports, statistics and other data disclosed on the basis of a request, from which no individual persons can be identified

When disclosing a considerable amount of data at the same time for a purpose for which the data recipient simultaneously commits to regularly obtaining any amendments to the data, the fee per person unit can be lower than that indicated in item 2 above.

When the total costs incurred from the disclosure of data are smaller than the market price for similar services provided by others, the fee charged for the disclosure of data can equal the market price.

The University may charge advance and part payments. The final fee is invoiced after the data disclosure request has been fulfilled.


Information pool for University curricula

The curriculum of the University comprises the curricula of its faculties, which, in turn, comprise the three-year curricula of the degree programmes coordinated by the faculties. The University curriculum also includes information on studies open to all University students as well as general study-related information.

Datasets: faculty curricula, language centre teaching programmes, university-level decisions on studies and degrees

Information systems: Sisu student information system, Riihi document management system

Information pool for academic advice

Encompasses information on general student advice and degree-related academic advice

Datasets: information on advice for studying and studies (degree-related advice), information on general student advice, information on student advice, instructions by academic administration, statistics on the academic advice phone service

Information systems: Efecte service management system, Vihta booking system, GetJenny chatbot, Instructions (under the Studies Service), Flamma intranet workgroups, phone subscription management

Information pool for career counselling and employment promotion

Encompasses information on individual and group career counselling and mentoring programmes. Encompasses information on information sessions, workshops, job portals and events related to career planning and employment. Encompasses information on employer collaboration in support of student employment.

Datasets: appointment booking details for individual career counselling, basic student information, communication related to individual career counselling, information on career services events, information on employer collaboration events and the unitalent programme, information on individual career counselling, information on mentoring programmes, information on self-assessment of career skills, job portal information, management of partnerships in employer collaboration, registration information for mentoring programmes

Information systems: Vihta booking system, Access database Master for access management, Dawa data warehouse, Efecte service management system, O365: Outlook, JobTeaser, Lyyti - tapahtumanhallintajärjestelmä, E-lomake, M365: Teams, Riihi document management system, P: drive, University public website, Kudin career guidance application, Creamailer newsletter platform, Salesforce

Information pool for commissioned training

Encompasses measures related to the management of commissioned training.

Datasets: basic student information, commissioned training leading to a degree

Information systems: Access database Master for access management, Dawa data warehouse, Riihi document management system, Sisu student information system

Information pool for completed studies

Encompasses completed studies, which refer to examinations, assignments, essays, learning journals, competence tests and other completion methods determined in the curriculum as well as a combination thereof. Completed studies also refer to doctoral theses, licentiate theses, theses associated with first- or second-cycle academic degrees, transferred credits and the demonstration of learning by other means as required by the curriculum.

Datasets: assessment of completed studies, assessments of theses, basic student information, partly completed credits, recognition of previous learning through credit transfer, theses

Information systems: Course pages, Moodle, Sisu student information system, Efecte service management system, Riihi document management system, Access database Master for access management, Dawa data warehouse, E-thesis system for thesis assessment and preservation, Ouriginal (Urkund), HELDA

Information pool for course registration 

Encompasses basic student details, other details related to course registration and study plans.

Datasets: basic student information, information on course registration, study plans

Information systems: Access database Master for access management, Dawa data warehouse, Course offerings, EduWeb, Sisu student information system

Information pool for degree education

Encompasses the educational offerings of the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programmes as well as other degree programmes offered by the University.

Datasets: degree programmes, other education leading to a degree

Information systems: Sisu student information system, Riihi document management system, University public website

Information pool for education not leading to a degree

Encompasses information on the educational offerings of the University that do not lead to degrees. 

Datasets: open university education and non-degree studies, professional specialisation education, training leading to formal qualifications

Information systems: Riihi document management system, Sisu student information system, Flamma intranet workgroups, P: drive

Information pool for examination management

Encompasses information on examination sessions and examinations. 

Datasets: basic student information, examination questions and answers, information on examination sessions

Information systems: Access database Master for access management, Dawa data warehouse, Shelf, cabinet or safe, Exam, Moodle, Mirasys, EduWeb, Sisu student information system

Information pool for grants

Encompasses the management of grants for students liable for tuition fees and the ‘Get your master’s thesis written!’ grants. The management of grants awarded to doctoral researchers and granted by the University of Helsinki Funds is described elsewhere.

Datasets: ‘get your master’s thesis written!’ grants, basic student information, grants for students liable for tuition fees

Information systems: Ulappa, P: drive, Efecte service management system, SAP Finance, Access database Master for access management, Dawa data warehouse, Riihi document management system, UHMA, Sisu student information system, E-lomake

Information pool for individual arrangements in support of students

Encompasses information and documents pertaining to individual arrangements for teaching and guidance required by students. Includes confidential information (subsection 25, section 24 of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities).

Datasets: information on students’ individual arrangements

Information systems: Flamma intranet workgroups, Shelf, cabinet or safe, REDCap, Efecte service management system, Vihta booking system, P: drive

Information pool for marketing educational offerings

Encompasses all education leading to a degree and education not leading to a degree.

Datasets: basic applicant information, communication between applicants and the university of helsinki, marketing targeted at applicants, surveys targeted at applicants

Information systems: Creamailer newsletter platform, Excel, Efecte service management system, UniBuddy, Course offerings in the Studies Service, Flamma intranet, Lyyti - tapahtumanhallintajärjestelmä, Studyinfo, University public website, Zoom (FUNET Miitti)

Information pool for pedagogical skills development

Encompasses information on the pedagogical support for faculties and degree programmes, information on educational innovations and information generated by the operations of the Teachers’ Academy.

Datasets: information on educational innovations, information on the pedagogical support for faculties and degree programmes and related development, opettajien akatemian itsearvioinnin pohja-aineisto, opettajien akatemian jäsenten valintaa koskevat tiedot, opettajien akatemian jäsentiedot, opettajien akatemian perustamisvaiheen tiedot, opettajien akatemian tapahtumien tiedot, opettajien akatemian tapahtumien valmistelutiedot, opettajien akatemian toiminnan tiedot, opettajien akatemian työryhmien tiedot, opettajien akatemian viestinnän tiedot

Information systems: UniHow survey, University public website, Instructions for Teaching, P: drive, SAP eRekry, Ulappa, M365: Teams, Flamma intranet, Network drive or digital storage platform or similar, Riihi document management system, Moodle

Information pool for student application and admissions procedures for education leading to a degree

Encompasses application guidelines, application and admissions procedures for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programmes, as well as requests for administrative review pertaining to admissions 

Datasets: admissions to other education leading to a degree, application procedures for other education leading to a degree, degree programme admissions, degree programme application procedures

Information systems: Shelf, cabinet or safe, Vallu entrance examination system, REDCap, UHMA

Information pool for student application and admissions procedures for education not leading to a degree

Encompasses instructions for applying for the right to complete education not leading to a degree, instructions for applying to non-degree studies, professional specialisation education and training leading to formal qualifications and related admissions procedures, as well as related requests for administrative review 

Datasets: admissions procedures for studies not leading to a degree, application procedures for studies not leading to a degree, basic applicant details, instructions and guidance for applying for the right to study, requests for administrative review pertaining to admissions

Information systems: Riihi document management system, P: drive, Studyinfo, Ulappa, E-lomake, University public website, website, Efecte service management system

Information pool for student feedback

Encompasses the University’s system of student feedback in all stages of studies, including graduate employment. 

Datasets: basic alumni details, basic student information, decisions related to student feedback, feedback on employment and career tracking, feedback on learning and the learning environment, feedback on learning and the learning environment provided by international students, feedback on teaching, finnish bachelor’s graduate survey

Information systems: Alumni Hub, Efecte service management system, Lyyti - tapahtumanhallintajärjestelmä, M365: Teams, MailChimp newsletter platform, Access database Master for access management, Dawa data warehouse, Riihi document management system, P: drive, UniHow survey, University of Helsinki course feedback

Information pool for student guidance and supervision

Encompasses information on the guidance and supervision of students’ academic work, including guidance and supervision related to courses, theses and research. The information pool comprises communication, advice, guidance, supervision and counselling. In this context, guidance and supervision refer to supporting the learning process of undergraduate and postgraduate students, and their development, training and growth into experts.

Datasets: information on advice for studying and studies (degree-related advice), information on guidance and advice for studying and studies (including psp guidance), information on organizing student tutoring, information on student advice, information on the monitoring of student progress (from the perspective of guidance), information on the organisation of training in student tutoring, information on thesis supervision, student guidance models, student guidance support materials for students, student guidance support materials for teachers

Information systems: Efecte service management system, Vihta booking system, Sisu student information system, E-lomake, Ulappa, Riihi document management system, Instructions (under the Studies Service), Oodikone, Lyyti - tapahtumanhallintajärjestelmä, Moodle, Instructions for Teaching, Flamma intranet

Information pool for student mobility

Encompasses international and domestic student mobility.

Datasets: basic student information, information on finnish student mobility (joo exchange scheme), information on international student mobility

Information systems: Access database Master for access management, Dawa data warehouse, Riihi document management system, Efecte service management system, E-lomake, P: drive, Sisu student information system, Beneficiary Module -reporting system for Erasmus+ programmes, Mobility Online

Information pool for teaching at the University

Encompasses all teaching provided at the University.

Datasets: degree programme teaching programmes, language centre teaching programmes, other education leading to a degree, professional specialisation education, teaching attendance lists, teaching details, training leading to formal qualifications

Information systems: Flamma intranet workgroups, P: drive, Sisu student information system, Riihi document management system, University public website, Moodle, Network drive or digital storage platform or similar

Information pool for the admissions criteria for application procedures for education leading to a degree and education not leading to a degree

Encompasses the admissions criteria for the University’s student admissions 

Datasets: admissions criteria for education leading to a degree and education not leading to a degree

Information systems: Riihi document management system

Information pool for the award of degrees

Encompasses documents pertaining to the award of degrees, such as graduation requests and degree certificates.

Datasets: assessment of completed studies, basic student information, information on student graduation

Information systems: Course pages, Moodle, Sisu student information system, Efecte service management system, Access database Master for access management, Dawa data warehouse, Flamma intranet, University public website

Information pool for the management of requests for administrative review

Encompasses documents pertaining to requests for administrative review submitted by students and the processing of the requests.

Datasets: documents pertaining to the processing of requests for administrative review

Information systems: Riihi document management system

Information pool for the management of rights to complete education leading to a degree

Encompasses information on the management of rights to complete education leading to a degree 

Datasets: applications pertaining to the right to study, decisions on rights to study, study rights leading to a degree

Information systems: PDF form, Studyinfo

Information pool for the management of rights to complete education not leading to a degree

Encompasses information on the management rights to complete education not leading to a degree 

Datasets: basic student information, rights to complete studies not leading to a degree

Information systems: Access database Master for access management, Dawa data warehouse, Riihi document management system, EduWeb, E-lomake, Sisu student information system, Shelf, cabinet or safe, Oili

Information pool for the management of student progress

Encompasses information related to the monitoring of student progress needed for organising teaching, statistics and responding to student support requests.

Datasets: information on student progress (from the perspective of academic administration)

Information systems: Oodikone, Rapo, Sisu student information system

Information pool for the processing of student offences

Encompasses information on the processing of suspected student offences and confirmed offences, as well on disciplinary measures (section 45 of the Universities Act) proposed and decided on as a result. 

Datasets: information on the processing of student offences

Information systems: Riihi document management system, Sisu student information system

Information pool for traineeship management

Encompasses information on the management, organisation and completion of subsidised traineeships and traineeships in fields that prepare students directly for a specific profession. All first-cycle degrees at the University of Helsinki include a compulsory career module, which can be completed, for example, as a traineeship or project. In addition, the degree programmes in medicine, logopedics and education include shorter and longer traineeships in fields that prepare students directly for a specific profession. Traineeships prepare students for professional life and graduation. Students can also complete other traineeships, for which credits can be awarded under certain conditions.

Datasets: information on other traineeships related to studying, information on the management and guidance of subsidised traineeships, information on the management and guidance of traineeships in fields that prepare students directly for a specific profession, reviews of extracts from the criminal records

Information systems: Network drive or digital storage platform or similar, Sisu student information system, Riihi document management system, E-lomake, Efecte service management system, Vihta booking system, P: drive, Moodle, O365: Outlook

Information pool for open science

Encompasses instructions and materials pertaining to open science

Datasets: Instructions and materials pertaining to open science

Information systems: Flamma intranet workgroups

Information pool for project financial management

Encompasses information on project financial management

Datasets: basic details of employee, basic details of research projects, dataset for project coordination support, datasets collected during projects, datasets for the application stage, project accounting, working hours and salary allocated to projects

Information systems: Access database Master for access management, Flamma intranet, P: drive, Flamma intranet workgroups, SAP project management, Riihi document management system, Research funders’ systems, SARA application system of the Research Council of Finland, SAP Finance, SAP HR, SAP working hour allocation

Information pool for projects

Encompasses all projects, including research and construction projects. 

Datasets: basic details of construction project, basic details of development projects for operations and services, project risks and measures, basic details of research partners, basic details of research projects, basic details of researchers, decisions and memoranda of project owners and steering groups, project documents of development projects for operations and services, research project documents

Information systems: Project portfolio, P: drive, SAP project management, Riihi document management system, Research funders’ systems, SARA application system of the Research Council of Finland, SAP SuccessFactors Recruitment

Information pool for research data in long-term preservation

Encompasses information on research data in long-term preservation.

Datasets: decisions on preservation, research data for permanent preservation

Information systems: Riihi document management system, Fairdata digital preservation service for research data

Information pool for research education

Encompasses datasets related to the allocation of resources for the doctoral school and doctoral programmes as well as to the support and monitoring of doctoral researchers.

Datasets: applications for finalising doctoral theses and related decisions, basic details of job applicants, datasets on doctoral researchers’ support and monitoring, decisions on the funding of the doctoral school, salaried positions at the doctoral school, travel grant applications and decisions at the doctoral school

Information systems: E-lomake, P: drive, Riihi document management system, SAP SuccessFactors Recruitment, Instructions (under the Studies Service), Thessa, Sisu student information system, SAP eRekry

Information pool for research ethics

Encompasses materials from research ethics committees, including requests for statements, agendas, minutes, and statements.

Datasets: basic details of researchers, datasets for the processing of ethics violations, ethics reviews

Information systems: P: drive, E-lomake

Information pool for research funding application rounds

Encompasses application guidelines, letters of intent, research plans, funding plans as well as information on researchers and research partners.

Datasets: basic details of research collaboration partners, basic details of researchers, dataset for funding application rounds targeted at research groups, dataset for funding application rounds targeted at research organisations, dataset for funding application rounds targeted at researchers

Information systems: M365: OneDrive, P: drive, SAP SuccessFactors Recruitment, SAP project management, Research funder websites, Research funders’ systems, Flamma intranet, Riihi document management system

Information pool for research operations development

Encompasses the assessment and development of research operations.

Datasets: feedback reports by advisory boards, roadmap for the implementation of research themes

Information systems: P: drive, Riihi document management system

Information pool of research results

Encompasses research results in the form of citations and, in the case of publications, full texts as well. Includes information on the sources and processing of these data. The final reports of research projects are included in the information pool for projects. 

Datasets: organisational information related to research, other scholarly activity (activities, awards, media), patents and invention disclosures, publications, research dataset metadata

Information systems: Datacloud, DMPTuuli, Organisaatiorekisteri (Vanha), Pure (Tuhat), Sophia, Digi database, Doria publication archive service, electronic collection of legal deposits, E-thesis system for thesis assessment and preservation, HELDA, Online harvesting in the Finnish Web Archive, Verkkoarkisto - käyttökopio, Aleph (Melinda), BookWhere, Finna - SFX, Finna VuFind, Fonte, Koha library system, library service platform Helka/Alma, Medic, Qvain, Research data metadata catalogues (administrator other than the University of Helsinki)

Information pool for laboratory operations

Encompasses instructions and registry data pertaining to laboratory operations as well as research permit documents

Datasets: Instructions, documents and registers related to laboratory operations, official research permits

Information systems: Chemicals register; shelf, cabinet or safe; Liferay (Flamma); network drive or digital storage platform or similar; Riihi document management system

Direct addresses for information requests

  • Recruitment affairs: Any messages pertaining to vacancies at the University should be sent to HR Services at


Information pool for accounting

Encompasses all information contained in accounting

Datasets: basic details of traveller, control information for accounting, dataset for financial statements, organisational information relevant to finances, receipt dataset for accounting and sub-accounts

Information systems: SAP project management, Clausion FPM, Rapo, Riihi document management system, University public website, SAP Finance, Lohju – Management of University usernames and IT Centre invoicing credentials, Organisaatiorekisteri (Vanha)

Information pool for accounts payable

Encompasses information needed for managing the accounts payable: purchase invoices with status and outgoing payments

Datasets: accounts payable, basic details of suppliers, basic details of traveller, outgoing payments

Information systems: SAP for processing purchase invoices, SAP Finance, SAP Travel, Telia eCenter/CGI Laskuhotelli, Shelf, cabinet or safe, Contract register, Nomentia Payments

Information pool for agreements

Encompasses all of the University’s agreements and the datasets they comprise. In addition, some of the agreements are described in other, relevant information pools. The aim has been to describe data processing measures in conjunction with these relevant capabilities (e.g., employment contracts in conjunction with the Workforce Relations Management capability).

Datasets: agreement with the ministry of education and culture, agreements for the organisation of traineeships, agreements of the facilities and properties sector, agreements on alumni cooperation, agreements on national library digitising operations, agreements on regional and organisational cooperation, agreements on teacher and student exchange, agreements on the licensing of electronic datasets, agreements related to collection management, agreements related to cooperation, agreements related to donations, agreements related to employment, agreements related to exhibitions, agreements related to procurement for building equipment and furnishings, agreements related to public outreach services, agreements related to research infrastructures, agreements related to the conduct of research, agreements related to the nagoya protocol (use of genetic resources; luomus), agreements related to traineeships and on-the-job learning, business collaboration agreements, commitment to the terms and conditions of use of the university's it environment, contracting and planning agreements, cooperation agreements related to library operations, cooperation agreements related to research, cooperation agreements related to teaching, employment contract details and related documents, framework agreements, investment agreements, it cooperation agreements, other hr agreements, procurement agreements, procurement and service agreements related to facilities and properties, property agreements, rental agreements, service agreements, structural development agreements, tendered procurement (exceeding the procurement limits), työterveyden ja -suojelun sopimukset

Information systems: Riihi document management system, P: drive, Contract register, Halti, Mobility Online, Proha, SAP HR, SAP project management, Kotka collection management system of the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility, Access database Master for access management, Efecte service management system, Personec FV, Siilo digital archive, Cloudia, Enkora, M365: OneDrive

Information pool for asset management

Encompasses both information on fixed assets and basic equipment details

Datasets: basic details of av equipment, basic details of cleaning equipment, basic details of employee, basic details of fitness equipment, basic details of individuals under an employment contract, basic details of it equipment, basic details of laboratory equipment, basic details of mobile device, basic details of transport equipment, basic details of work machinery, information on fixed assets

Information systems: Access database Master for access management, DMPTuuli, P: drive, SAP Finance

Information pool for campaign management

Encompasses information and datasets related to the planning, implementation and monitoring of campaigns as well as campaign reports.

Datasets: campaign monitoring data, campaign planning and implementation data, campaign reports

Information systems: Creamailer newsletter platform, Falco social media management system, Goin’ - chat-alusta, Google Ads, Google Analytics, P: drive, UniBuddy, Uni Material Bank, University public website, Image bank Gredi

Information pool for cash management

Encompasses datasets for cash management.

Datasets: account limits, cash forecasts, datasets that guide cash management, liquidity investments

Information systems: P: drive, Nomentia Payments, SAP Finance, Siilo digital archive, Riihi document management system

Information pool for cleaning and waste management

Encompasses information related to the cleaning and waste management of buildings owned by the University.

Datasets: cleaning, waste management

Information systems: Efecte service management system, Maintenance report/Granlund Manager, Cleaning systems (ATOP), Facility register (, OmaEncore service, Other waste management providers, P: drive, SAP for processing purchase invoices, Sortera, Flamma intranet, University public website, M365: Teams, Fortum recycling & waste customer portal, Verdis sähköinen asiointi, Oma L&T service, Urbaser Globes

Information pool for customer relations in fitness services

Encompasses customer information for fitness services as well as information related to the marketing and provision of the services

Datasets: basic details of consumer-customers for fitness services, basic details of corporate-customer for fitness services, customer feedback for fitness services, dataset on the marketing and the management of customer relationships in fitness services, information on the use of fitness services, information on work shifts, personal training programmes, virtual fitness services recordings

Information systems: Enkora, Mywellness, Surveypal UniSport, ActiveCampaign, MailChimp newsletter platform, Visma, Nepton working hour monitoring, PT-Studio

Information pool for development needs

Encompasses development and change needs associated with the development of operations and services.

Datasets: decisions and memoranda of project idea owners and the project portfolio steering group, development or change needs

Information systems: Project portfolio, Network drive or digital storage platform or similar, Riihi document management system

Information pool for donor relations

Encompasses information on donors and prospects as well as the communication between them and the University, donations, asset management and use as well as the systems used

Datasets: basic details of donors, basic details of prospect, communications between donors and the university, communications between prospective donors and the university, donors’ interests, information on the use and administration of donated funds and matched funds, marketing targeted at donors, principles for donating, queries and feedback by donors

Information systems: Lyyti - tapahtumanhallintajärjestelmä, MailChimp newsletter platform, O365: Outlook, P: drive, Salesforce, Riihi document management system, E-lomake, Ulappa, LinkedIn

Information pool for enterprise architecture

Descriptions of the current status of and the vision for the enterprise architecture

Datasets: basic details of the owner of the enterprise architecture element, descriptions of the current state, descriptions of the target state

Information systems: Power BI, QPR Enterprise Architect

Information pool for event management

Encompasses datasets pertaining to different types of events at the University. The datasets have been grouped so that each event has, among other elements, a programme, participant details, budget and feedback.

Datasets: alumni event budgets, alumni event datasets, alumni event feedback, alumni event participants, basic details of alumni event, basic details of conference event, basic details of conferment event, basic details of graduation ceremony event, basic details of public examination event, basic details of stakeholder event, basic details of unit event, basic details of university-level event, conference event budgets, conference event datasets, conference event feedback, conference event organisation details, conference event participants, conference event participation fees, conferment event budgets, conferment event datasets, conferment event feedback, conferment event participants, conferment event participation fees, graduation ceremony event budgets, graduation ceremony event datasets, graduation ceremony event participants, public event budgets, public event feedback, public event organisation details, public event participants, public examination event budgets, stakeholder event budgets, stakeholder event datasets, stakeholder event feedback, stakeholder event participants, unit event budgets, unit event datasets, unit event feedback, unit event participants, university-level event datasets, university-level event feedback, university-level event participants

Information systems: Alumni Hub, Flamma intranet, Luomus SharePoint, Opencast (Unitube back-end system), P: drive, YouTube, E-lomake, Lyyti - tapahtumanhallintajärjestelmä, M365: Teams, Plandisc - suunnittelutyökalu, Salesforce, University public website, Zoom (FUNET Miitti), Riihi document management system, SAP budgeting (BPC), SAP Finance, Hailer - konferenssien järjestämisen tukijärjestelmä, Ceepos web payment solution, Siilo digital archive, M365: Forms, Efecte service management system, MailChimp newsletter platform, Optime, Facebook, Icareus - striimaussovellus, Flamma intranet workgroups

Information pool for exhibition and museum operations

Encompasses information on exhibition and museum operations: information on the implementation of exhibition productions and the related programme (lectures, guided tours, expert visits). Encompasses information on audience development in other museum operations: information on events, facility bookings and other guided tours or workshops. Encompasses information on museum shop operations.

Datasets: booking details for helsinki university museum liekki, documents pertaining to exhibition productions and elements, grants for students liable for tuition fees, information on museum shop operations by helsinki university museum flame, marketing materials for museum operations, statistics on museum operations

Information systems: O365: Outlook, P: drive, Luomus guided tour booking, Network drive or digital storage platform or similar, Riihi document management system

Information pool for financial planning and analysis

Encompasses information generated by budgeting, forecasting and analysis processes that support the University’s financial situation and strategic plan.

Datasets: actual financial figures, forecasts and budgets

Information systems: SAP Finance, SAP project management, SAP working hour allocation, P: drive, SAP budgeting (BPC)

Information pool for human resources planning

Encompasses the focus areas for the development of the human resources structure and human resources planning.

Datasets: dataset for human resources planning, dataset for the focus areas for the development of the human resources structure

Information systems: Suunta, P: drive

Information pool for information services

Encompasses information and documents pertaining to the implementation of the University’s information services. Information and documents transmitted to clients through the information services are described under the relevant sections.

Datasets: documents pertaining to information services in accordance with the act on the openness of government activities

Information systems: Efecte service management system, Riihi document management system

Information pool for internal auditing

Encompasses documentation pertaining to internal auditing (annual plans, annual reports, audit plans, audit reports, monitoring reports)

Datasets: internal audit details

Information systems: Riihi document management system

Information pool for library customer services

Encompasses information on library customer services. Encompasses datasets related to the use of library materials, printed materials in particular. The datasets concern rules pertaining to the use of printed material, the use of printed material as well as customer contacts related to use and customer feedback collected in various ways.

Datasets: basic library user details, customer and loan register of the national library, customer register of helsinki university library, documents pertaining to interlibrary loan services, documents pertaining to loan collection, granted permissions to use material, information on on-site transactions at the national library, information on the library’s customer contacts, information on the library’s customer contacts, instructions pertaining to use (library), library feedback surveys, library statistical data, national library’s usage rules and instructions, usage rules (library), user surveys

Information systems: Koha library system, Finna VuFind, library service platform Helka/Alma, Efecte service management system, SAP Finance, Webkake interlibrary loan service system, P: drive, University public website, E-lomake, National Library KITT2, National Library website

Information pool for mail management

Encompasses information pertaining to the management of postal services provided by the University’s mail centre.

Datasets: courier mail, external mail, internal mail

Information systems: Azolver, Shelf, cabinet or safe, P: drive

Information pool for market research

Encompasses reports for market research

Datasets: market research reports

Information systems: Creamailer newsletter platform, P: drive

Information pool for merchandising sales

Encompasses sales reports submitted by contract suppliers

Datasets: business reports on merchandising

Information systems: P: drive

Information pool for outdoor area management and maintenance

Encompasses information related to the management and maintenance of outdoor areas, anti-slip measures and roof snow removal.

Datasets: anti-slip measures, groundskeeping management, removal of roof snow

Information systems: GS Group Finland oy, Maintenance report/Granlund Manager, SAP equipment register

Information pool for partnership operations

Encompasses information on the model of partnership operations and partner selection, partners, the establishment and management of partnerships, as well as the communication between the partners and the University, including related material.

Datasets: basic details of business collaboration partners, basic details of development and lobbying partners in public administration, basic details of public administration decision-maker partners, basic details of public engagement partners, basic details of research collaboration partners, basic details of teaching and student collaboration partners, basic details of university partners, communication between partners and the university of helsinki, dataset for partnership collaboration, dataset for the partnership creation and management model, rahoittaja - perustiedot

Information systems: M365: OneDrive, P: drive, Contract register, Salesforce, M365: Teams

Information pool for payment traffic management

Encompasses information on the University’s payment traffic

Datasets: access rights related to payments, incoming and outgoing payment traffic

Information systems: Nomentia Payments, SAP Finance, Siilo digital archive, Siilo

Information pool for planning and monitoring University operations

Information pertaining to the implementation of the University’s strategic plan and the monitoring of operations (some of these documents are secret in accordance with subsection 17, section 24, Act on the Openness of Government Activities, 621/1999)

Datasets: agreement with the ministry of education and culture, implementation plans of the university, monitoring and assessment of the strategic plan, plans elaborating on the strategic plan and implementation plans, strategic plans of the university, university reports on operations

Information systems: Riihi document management system, Suunta, Flamma intranet workgroups, M365: OneDrive, P: drive, Clausion FPM, Rapo, SAP Finance, University public website

Information pool for procurement

Encompasses datasets related to competitive tendering and procurement. The distribution of duties with the accounts payable team is based on the notion that orders are included in the information pool for procurement, but the invoices generated on the basis of orders are the responsibility of the accounts payable team.

Datasets: basic details of orderers, basic details of suppliers, direct-award decisions, order details, procurement guidelines, product and service packages for computers and equipment, streamlined tendering of computers and equipment, tendered procurement (exceeding the procurement limits), tendering for low-value procurement (below the procurement limits)

Information systems: Contract register, Cloudia, Riihi document management system, Efecte service management system, Onify, SAP equipment register, P: drive, Flamma intranet, M365: OneDrive

Information pool for project financial management

Encompasses information on project financial management

Datasets: basic details of employee, basic details of research projects, dataset for project coordination support, datasets collected during projects, datasets for the application stage, project accounting, working hours and salary allocated to projects

Information systems: Access database Master for access management, Flamma intranet, P: drive, Flamma intranet workgroups, SAP project management, Riihi document management system, Research funders’ systems, SARA application system of the Research Council of Finland, SAP Finance, SAP HR, SAP working hour allocation

Information pool for projects

Encompasses all projects, including research and construction projects. 

Datasets: basic details of construction project, basic details of development projects for operations and services, project risks and measures, basic details of research partners, basic details of research projects, basic details of researchers, decisions and memoranda of project owners and steering groups, project documents of development projects for operations and services, research project documents

Information systems: Project portfolio, P: drive, SAP project management, Riihi document management system, Research funders’ systems, SARA application system of the Research Council of Finland, SAP SuccessFactors Recruitment

Information pool for property management and maintenance

Encompasses property management and maintenance services for the buildings and facilities 

Datasets: finances of properties and maintenance, long-term repairs and maintenance programmes, property data, property documentation

Information systems: SAP Finance, ScudoPro, Maintenance report/Granlund Manager, Adair building automation, Airthings, Alarm transmission system Telcont Secure, Building automation system Arrigo by Regin, Building automation system Desigo CC by Siemens, Building automation system Desigo Insight by Siemens, Building automation system Drive by Caverion, Building automation system OPENweb by DEOS, Building automation system Visonik by Siemens, Building automation system webVision by Fidelix, Building automation system Xpider by Cinos, KONEonline, Sunnyportal, Facility register (, IMS, P: drive, Project bank Gredi, SokoPro

Information pool for quality management

Encompasses assessment reports and information related to the supervision of quality management

Datasets: quality management assessment reports, quality management supervision

Information systems: Flamma intranet, Flamma intranet workgroups, M365: OneDrive, P: drive, Status report form, Riihi document management system

Information pool for recruitment

Encompasses information related to job application and recruitment.

Datasets: basic details of job applicants, entries on pre-employment health examinations, recruitment information for leadership, specialist and support services staff, recruitment information for teaching and research staff

Information systems: SAP HR, P: drive, SAP SuccessFactors Recruitment, Riihi document management system, Shelf, cabinet or safe, E-lomake, SAP eRekry, Aleph (Melinda), BookWhere, Digi database, Doria publication archive service, electronic collection of legal deposits, Finna - SFX, Finna VuFind, Fonte, HELDA, Koha library system, library service platform Helka/Alma, Medic, Pure (Tuhat), Verkkoarkisto - käyttökopio, Research funders’ systems

Information pool for salary payment

Encompasses information on employees, fee recipients and grant recipients as well as information related to the payment of salaries

Datasets: basic details of employee, basic details of fee recipient, basic details of grant recipient, information on payments to grant recipients, information on salary payments to employees, information on salary payments to fee recipients, information on the management of salary payments

Information systems: Access database Master for access management, Personec FV, Tax Administration systems, E-services of the Farmers’ Social Insurance Institution, P: drive, Shelf, cabinet or safe, SAP HR, national incomes register of the Tax Administration, E-services of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, YPJ salary system of Finnish universities (Suffeli and SAP Fiori), Siilo digital archive

Information pool for sales

Encompasses information on sales invoicing, the management of accounts receivable and the collection of receivables

Datasets: cash, collection, incoming payments, laskutusasiakas - perustiedot, online payment transactions, receivables, sales invoicing

Information systems: Ceepos cash register system, SAP Finance, Nomentia Finance, Nomentia Payments, Ceepos web payment solution, Lyyti - tapahtumanhallintajärjestelmä, Paytrail, Enkora, iLab Core Facility Management, Optime, Provet, SAP invoicing for the Research Council of Finland , Telia eCenter/CGI Laskuhotelli

Information pool for skills development

Encompasses identification of staff career paths, skills development, orientation, staff training, mentoring and coaching

Datasets: information on the planning, implementation and assessment of group-level skills development, information on the planning, implementation and assessment of individual skills development, information on the planning, implementation and assessment of measures for skills development, orientation materials, osaamisen kehittämisen kokonaisuuden strategisen ja operatiivisen suunnittelun sekä arvioinnin tiedot, planning information on orientation

Information systems: Suffeli – Target and development discussions, Suffeli Learning – Training management and orientation, Flamma intranet

Information pool for software development and maintenance

Encompasses documentation spanning the entire lifecycle of application development and maintenance

Datasets: application development guidelines, application documentation, application-related error observations, information on the management of agile development tasks, open source code, requirements and requirement specifications, source codes, technical plans, test cases and results

Information systems: Confluence wiki, Design system, Flamma intranet workgroups, XWiki, P: drive, wiki platform (National Library), M365: Teams, Shelf, cabinet or safe, JIRA, Slack (IT Centre shared), Slack (software engineering), Slack instant messaging (National Library of Finland), Trello, GitHub (IT Centre), GitHub (National Library of Finland), GitHub (Teaching and Learning Services), GOGS version management software, Graveyard (National Library),

Information pool for stakeholder operations

Encompasses information on the planning of stakeholder operations, stakeholders, communication between them and the University, as well as related material, documents and communications.

Datasets: basic details of development and lobbying partners in public administration, basic details of parties steering the operations of the university of helsinki, basic details of public administration decision-maker partners, basic details of public engagement partners, basic details of research commercialisation partners, basic details of university partners, basic network and alliance details, communication between stakeholders and the university of helsinki, datasets for stakeholder operations, kumppani - perustiedot, stakeholder communications

Information systems: M365: OneDrive, P: drive, Contract register, Salesforce, Riihi document management system, Shelf, cabinet or safe, Suunta, MailChimp newsletter platform

Information pool for taxation

Encompasses datasets related to taxation, including declarations submitted to the Tax Administration

Datasets: documents received from the tax administration, submissions to the tax administration and the tax account, university property information

Information systems: P: drive, SAP Finance, SAP for processing purchase invoices, Tax Administration systems, Personec FV, SAP Travel, Facility register (

Information pool for the management of artifacts and collections

Encompasses the data and documents pertaining to the management of the collections of Helsinki University Museum Flame and the Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus.

Datasets: data management documents of helsinki university museum flame, data on the file downloads of luomus observation/sample datasets, early warnings on alien species observations, information on the collections of helsinki university museum flame, information on the national natural history collections, lists of metadata for the collections and biodiversity data of the natural science collections, luomus data management documents, permits required by the nature conservation act and the animal welfare act, publications of the finnish biodiversity information facility, ringing permits, species observation datasets

Information systems: Collecte collection management system, Kotka collection management system of the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility, O365: Outlook, CSC server, P: drive, Shelf, cabinet or safe, website of the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility, Tipu ringing database, Vihko observation data system of the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility

Information pool for the organisation of co-operation

Encompasses the principles, plans and implementation details of co-operation as well as information pertaining to union representative activities.

Datasets: basic details of union representative, information on co-operation, information on the union representative organisation

Information systems: Riihi document management system, P: drive, Siilo

Information pool for travel management

Encompasses information on work-related travel by University staff, visitors and members of the University community not employed by the University: destinations and costs of trips, travel booking details and traveller profiles as well as statistical and risk management data 

Datasets: basic details of traveller, staff insurance, travel details, travel instructions, travel requests and travel expense reports

Information systems: P: drive, Riihi document management system, CWT Portal, Flamma intranet, SAP Finance, SAP Travel

Duties of the University

The University has three core duties: scholarly research, research-based teaching and public engagement.

Its operations are divided into 11 faculties and nine independent institutes. In addition, the University of Helsinki has special national duties, including the operations of the Centre for Consumer Society Research and the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, teaching in languages rare in Finland, and Swedish-language teaching in the social sciences. Of the national special duties, the preservation of Finland’s printed national heritage takes place at the National Library of Finland, which is an independent institute of the University. Similarly, the Finnish Museum of Natural History is an independent institute responsible for the national natural history collection. In addition, a number of different research units and two teacher training schools operate as part of or under the auspices of the University.

Read more about the faculties and units of the University.

Read more about the University’s special duties.

Our data pools are generated through the implementation of these duties, and the content of documents reflects the operations of our faculties and our processes. 


Established under the reign of Queen Christina in Turku on 26 March 1640, the University of Helsinki is the oldest university in Finland. We have served Finnish society as part of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Russian Empire, and have continued to do so during Finland’s independence, with our name and location changing over the years. The University’s history is divided into three main stages:

Royal Academy of Turku, 1640–1808

The Royal Academy of Turku was one of the four national universities in Sweden during the country’s period as a great power.

Imperial Alexander University, 1809–1917

When Finland was incorporated into the Russian Empire in 1809, the institution was named the Imperial Academy of Turku. In 1828, the institution was relocated to Helsinki, at which point it was renamed as the Imperial Alexander University.

University of Helsinki, 1917–

The third stage in the history of the University began with Finland gaining its independence. The name of the University was changed to the University of Helsinki in 1919.

Read more about the history of the University of Helsinki.

Throughout its nearly 400-year history, documents and information have been accumulated in the University’s archives and information systems.

Archived paper documents and other analogue materials from 1640 to 2010

You can explore the archive content with the help of inventories in the Arkki 1640 database, where you can also submit requests for information on catalogued documents. You can search for the archives you need by browsing the list of archive names. The search feature enables the use of free-text searches, or searches based on the name of the archive or the administrative sector.

Documents are transferred from units to the University’s archives every five to ten years. The frequency of transfer is affected, among other factors, by facility issues and organisational changes. This is why some of the documents from 2010 to 2021 have not yet been archived by the units processing them. If you cannot find the information you are looking for in the Arkki 1640 database, please submit your request for information to the Archives and Registry at or call +358 2941 22390.

Electronic document management 1995–

Electronic document management at the University began when the Notes record was introduced in 1995, after which it was redesigned and its use expanded in 2003. In addition, the registering of contracts in the contract register began in 2006. Contracts can be browsed in the register, for example, according to topic and party.

The electronic administrative archive (HASA) was introduced in 2011. Since then, its content, including the Notes record, has been transferred to Siilo, an electronic archive in use since 2017. In Siilo, information can be browsed by individual archive, and documents can be searched through free-text search and with the help of metadata indexed by dataset.

The registering of documents in Riihi, the University’s current document management system, began in October 2016. In the system, information can be accessed, for example, by topic, position or time of initiation. Requests for information pertaining to public documents registered in the document management system should be emailed to the Registry at or by calling +358 2941 22222.


Any questions? Please send email to the Archives and Registry team at or call +358 2941 22222.

Requests to review personal data in accordance with data protection legislation: For instructions, see here.