
One cornerstone of the CoE activity is to organize joint seminars, workshops and summer schools. Read more about our upcoming events below.
Crash course on Many body localization 13-14.02

Wojciech De Roeck and Francois Huveneers will give a 6 hours set of introductory talks on Many Body Localization.

On the occasion, we also invited Teemu Ojanen to give a talk on entanglement volume-law area-law transitions in 1d qubit systems.

Topics of Wojciech De Roeck and Francois Huveneers mini course:

General Part 1:   

  • What is thermalization in QM.  I
  • Issues of formulation. 
  • Connection to random matrices and ETH (eigenstate thermalization hypothesis). 
  • Obstructions to thermalization:  Conserved quantities.  
  • Discussion of integrability and GGE.
  • How do unexpected conserved quantities emerge? Simple example (doublons,...).  
  • Prethermalization.

More specific Part 2:  

  • MBL in disordered systems.   
  • Avalanches, current debate, rigorous results. 

Time and Place:

Thursday 13.02 in Y313 Otakaari 1 at Aalto University (streaming available) 

Friday 14:02. 10-12 in C124 Exactum building Kumpula Campus. (streaming available)

Workshop: From ICS to FDA and EVT

at Aalto University on 21.-22.2.2025

This statistics workshop gathers researchers to celebrate research, science and life. The talks cover various topics related (but not limited) to invariant coordinate selection, discrete and continuous stochastic processes, functional data-analysis, extreme value theory, cancer epidemiology, and cancer genetics.

Please visit the web page of the workshop for more information.

Past Events

Please follow the link to see the record of our past activities.