
One cornerstone of the CoE activity is to organize joint seminars, workshops and summer schools. Read more about our upcoming events below.
Intensive course: Introduction to Discrete Stochastic Games and PDEs

Speaker: Juan J. Manfredi, University of Pittsburgh

Time: Wednesday 9 October at 12:15—17:00

Place: MaD 302, Mattilanniemi 

Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Jyväskylä


These lectures will cover the necessary background in probability theory, discrete stochastic games, and viscosity solutions to study random tug-of-war games with noise. Below are a list of topics and a list of selected references. 

(1) Probability tools: Discrete Stochastic Processes, Martingales. 

(2) Viscosity Solutions. The Theorem on Sums. 

(3) Asymptotic Mean Value Properties, p-Harmonious Functions. 

(4) PDEs on Directed Trees. 

(5) Regularity for p-harmonic functions via the Ishii-Lions method. 


(1) P. Blanc, J. D. Rossi, Game Theory and Partial Differential Equations. De Gruyter, 2019. 

(2) P. Lindqvist, Notes on the p-Laplace Equation, BCAM Springer Briefs, 2017.

(3) A. P. Maitra, W. D. Sudderth, Discrete Gambling and Stochastic Games. Applications of Mathematics 32, Springer-Verlag, 1996. 

(4) M. Parviainen, Notes on Tug-of-War Games and the p-Laplace Equation, Springer Briefs in PDE and Data Science, 2024. 

(5) S.R.S. Varadan; Probability Theory, Courant Lecture Notes in Mathematics 7, New York University.

Past Events

Please follow the link to see the record of our past activities.