Study at the Helsinki Normal Lyceum

Our general upper secondary school boasts a wide selection of subjects. We encourage our students to work independently, acquire a broad knowledge base, learn through progressive inquiry and adopt a scholarly mindset. In addition to our regular course selection, our students can take university courses at the University of Helsinki.

We organise a wide range of thematic days, study excursions to museums and exhibitions as well as trips to the theatre and opera. We also place great value on creativity and handicraft. At Norssi, students can complete general upper secondary education diplomas in home economics, visual arts, crafts and physical education. In early May, we celebrate the traditional Norssi Day, and in late May, we go head-to-head against the Ressu upper secondary school in the sports field.

Open house

We are organizing an open house event and introduction for students interested in studying at the Helsinki Normal Lyceum general upper secondary school on Wednesday, 24 January 2024 at 18.00 in our assembly hall.

School year 2023–2024

Information for students starting their first year of general upper secondary school in autumn 2024: Instructions for first-year students (in Finnish)

Relevant figures

Norssi hosts approximately 245 general upper secondary school students and admits 80 new students each year. Our school building is also home to comprehensive school grades 1–5 and 7–9. At Norssi, the minimum number of students per teaching group is 10, while the usual number of students ranges between 20 and 30.

In recent years, the following average grades have been required for general upper secondary school admission:

2019–2020: 9.33

2020–2021: 9.50

2021–2022: 9.46

2022–2023: 9,62

2023-2024: 9,67

2024-2025: 9,62