Event safety and security
The organiser’s responsibilities:
- Ensure that the event is suitable for a public facility. The event must follow the University principles for facility rentals and Think Corner’s booking terms. The nature of each event must be in line, as determined by the University, with the University’s values and general moral principles. Events must also be suitable, as determined by the University, for the Think Corner service vision and mission. Activities that cannot be organised at Think Corner:
- Party-political or religious events
- Commercial events that directly compete with the University’s activities (e.g., seminars, training and courses subject to a fee)
- Events for the exclusive purpose of selling or promoting a product
- Other events that the University considers unsuited to be organised at Think Corner
- Make appropriate safety and security arrangements considering the nature of the event and the number of participants. Provide information on any dignitaries whose presence may influence safety and security arrangements. Think Corner coordinates related services, and clients are billed subsequently, as agreed.
- Explain the event plans to Think Corner staff, taking into account the matters described in this document.
- Acquire sufficient insurance coverage for property and staff for the duration of the event.
- Deliver the document “Facility rules and event safety and security” to the event staff and builders. Supervise staff to ensure they follow instructions.
- Designate a person responsible for the event, who is present throughout and agrees to see the event to its conclusion, as jointly agreed.
- Commit to the details agreed at the planning stage regarding technical equipment, safety and security, the number of participants and furnishings. Any changes must be discussed with Think Corner staff.
Preparation and dismantling
- The event site must remain safe and secure not only during the event, but also during preparation and dismantling. The arrangements cannot disturb regular activities at Think Corner during its opening hours. Think Corner is open daily as a café and a study and groupwork space, which must be taken into account during preparation and dismantling.
- Events can be set up and dismantled outside Think Corner’s opening hours if agreed in advance with Think Corner’s head of operations.
- For the transport of large items to and from the venue, please contact Think Corner’s head of operations.
- The use of equipment, substances or other supplies that pose a fire risk or compromise personal safety requires pre-authorisation from the fire safety authorities. The client is responsible for establishing whether official permits are required.
- Events must be planned considering the existing furniture at Think Corner. Exit routes must always remain obstructed.
Special structures
- If an event requires special arrangements or structures (e.g., a marquee, screens, poster stands or other temporary structures), the organiser must contact Think Corner’s head of operations as early as possible. The organiser must submit an installation drawing and a list of equipment as well as the planned timetable to the head of operations for approval at least three weeks before the event. The plan must indicate the features of any equipment and furnishings, their locations as well as wiring and connection solutions. The plan must cover all facilities in which equipment will be used or installations made.
- Any building material and furnishings must comply with the requirements for public spaces as well as regulations on fire safety in public spaces. Instructions for the fire safety of furnishings and textiles in public spaces are included in the Finnish-language document RT 08-11098 (SIT 08-610087, KH 60-00509) Sisusteiden paloturvallisuus published by the Building Information Foundation.
Electricity and lighting
- Changes to basic lighting, such as covering, adjusting or switching off lights, are not permitted, unless using Think Corner’s fixed dimmers. All electrical and lighting solutions suspended in the ceiling must be fixed at a minimum height of 2.3 metres. No additional lighting or electrical equipment can be brought into or fixed in the area of the central staircase; this also applies to related wiring.
- All electrical wiring for equipment transported to the venue must be appropriately fixed and protected with grating or tape.
- Any suspensions used must be removed after the event without leaving traces and in accordance with an installation plan delivered in advance.
- Electrical installations must be performed by individuals and companies meeting the relevant qualification requirements and without compromising the safety of facility users. An installation certificate must be provided for temporary electrical installations and be kept available on site.
Emergency exits
- Emergency exits must remain unobstructed at all times. All Think Corner emergency exits must be 160 cm wide, and passages must remain clear. Safety signs, exit lights or similar must not be covered.
Maximum capacity
- Maximum capacity for level 1 with existing furniture: 330
- Maximum capacity for level 2 with existing furniture: 110
- Maximum capacity for level K1 with existing furniture: 110
- The maximum number of participants must not exceed 550 people to ensure the proper functioning of the air conditioning system.
- If the number of participants is close to maximum capacity, this must be taken into account in the arrangements. Access to the venue must be limited to registered participants, and appropriate arrangements must be made at entrances. The organiser must agree on practices and any additional porter services with Think Corner’s head of operations.
Licence to sell alcohol
Fazer holds the licence to sell alcohol at Think Corner. The selling of alcohol is only allowed in designated areas, by Fazer. Guests or hosts cannot bring their own alcoholic beverages.
Prohibitions at Think Corner
- Think Corner cannot host events with candles, pyrotechnics, smoke machines, laser equipment, gases, chemicals or helium balloons.
- Smoking and vaping are prohibited indoors.
- No animals are permitted, unless special arrangements (including cleaning) have been made in advance.
What to do in the event of damage:
- If there has been an accident, call 112.
- Prevent additional damage.
- Notify Think Corner staff of all incidents and disturbances.
The University is responsible for the safety and security of the building and equipment. The use of street space requires permission from the city.
If you have any questions, you can contact our customer service: thinkcorner@helsinki.fi.
Facility rules and event safety and security- document was updated on the 11.3.2022. Changes may apply.