Josefina Syssner from CSK - research centre for studies on local politics, organizations and development at Linköping University, and Gert-Jan Hospers from University of Twente.
In recent years, several voices have argued that planning in communities characterized by population decline require other strategies and other methods than planning in growth areas. Several authors plea for alternative planning strategies for areas facing a long term population decline, or even for a paradigm shift in planning (Hospers, 2014; Kempenaar, van Lierop, Westerink, van der Valk, & van den Brink, 2015; Wiechmann, 2008).
During the last decade, several planning theorists have successfully responded to the call for further studies on planning practices in a context of depopulation. Most of the studies presented have however been accomplished in an urban context. Since the spatial implications of shrinkage differ among urban and rural contexts, it is thus somewhat unclear what planning in a context of rurality and depopulation is. Who plan in these areas? What is being planned, and with what results?
In this paper, we seek to add to previous knowledge on planning in rural, depopulating areas by responding to these questions. We will respond to them by presenting results from two case studies carried out in smaller settlements located in Östergötland, Sweden and De Achterhoek, The Netherlands.
The presentation is in Swedish but questions may be posed also in English.
Thursday, February 16th 2017, at 12.15, room 210, Soc&kom, Snellmaninkatu 12, Helsinki