
The research is based on the six scholarly fields represented at the School, but has become increasingly interdisciplinary and is currently organised into five thematic networks.
Journalism and communication

Journalism and communication as a discipline focuses on issues of journalistic practice, profession, and working methods in the digital media, the media landscape, cultural and linguistic diversity, crisis journalism and communication, political communication, as well as gender and media.

Head of discipline: Jaana Hujanen

Legal stud­ies

Legal studies at our unit of the university focuses on public law. The studies covers the entire spectrum from the Constitution, EU law (partially), administrative law in the broad sense and law regulating social and health care. The research is mainly focused on municipal law, the right to housing as a fundamental right and constitutional issues in the reform of social welfare and health care.

Head of discipline: Martin Björklund

Polit­ical science and ad­min­is­tra­tion

Political science and administration at the School provides extensive insights into the politics with a focus on the governance and leadership of public policy from a Nordic, European and global comparative context. Research within the discipline provide a deeper understanding of social organization and analytical skills to critically examine political processes, strategies, actors, participation, public opinion and communication.

Head of discipline: Sebastian Godenhjelm

So­cial psy­cho­logy

Social psychology investigates how individuals and the social world create and influence each other. Themes for teaching and research are the interaction within and between groups, morality, identity, language, political behaviour and organizational psychology.

Head of discipline: Anna Henning-Lindblom

So­cial work and so­cial policy

Social work and social policy focuses on the interaction between the development of society and welfare policies, people's everyday living conditions and the improvement of people's lives. An emphasis is put on questions concerning the values and the legitimacy, the possibilities and the challenges of Nordic welfare policies, as well as on questions on how to tackle inequality in times of austerity.  Issues of citizenship and citizenisation practices regarding vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, and different aspects of social work with migrant families, children and youth are also in focus.

Head of discipline: Helena Blomberg-Kroll


In sociology the approaches vary between global, local and intimate social relationships. The research at the School focuses on international migration and ethnic relations, gender studies, social anthropological issues and global development.

Head of discipline: Elina Oinas