Kanninen, M. 2021 Maailman ruokajärjestelmä isojen haasteiden edessä - Kehittyvä elintarvike, 14-15. Full text
Kanninen, M. & Kaarakka, V. 2020 Aavikoituminen uhkaa miljoonien ihmisten ruokaturvaa ja terveyttä. Helsingin Sanomat, Vieraskynä, page A5. Full text
Kanninen, M. & Kallio, M. 2019. Smallholder forestry and Sustainable Development Goals: from knowledge gaps to global collaborative research. In: XXV IUFRO World Congress, 29 sept - 5 October 2019,Curitiba, PR, Brazil. Abstracts. PFB Pesquisa Forestal Brasileira - Brazilian Journal of Forestry Research 39: 94. in Full
Córdova, R., Kanninen, M., Hogarth, N. 2019. Sustainability and vulnerability to climate change of smallholding agroforestry systems in tropical highlands, Ecuador. In: Dupraz, C., Gosme, M., Lawson, G. (Ed.), Book of Abstracts, 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Agroforestry: strengthening links between science, society and policy. CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Montpellier, France, p. 61. in Full
Kalliokoski, T., Heinonen, T., Holder, J., Lehtonen, A., Mäkelä, A., Minunno, F., Ollikainen, M., Packalen, T., Peltoniemi, M., Pukkala, T., Salminen, O., Schelhaas, M.-J., Seppälä, J., Vauhkonen, J., Kanninen, M. 2019. Skenaarioanalyysi metsien kehitystä kuvaavien mallien ennusteiden yhtäläisyyksistä ja eroista. Suomen ilmastopaneeli, Raportti 2/2019. 88 p. In Full
Ekroos, K., Lima-Toivanen, M. 2018. Finnish Research, Higher Education and Innovation Cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean: Roadblocks and Recommendations for Future Action. Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI). 64 p. In Full
Seppälä, J., Asikainen, A., Kalliokoski, T., Kanninen, M., Koskela, S., Ratinen, I., Routa, J. 2017. Tutkijoiden pääviestit metsien käytön ilmastovaikutuksista. Suomen ilmastopaneeli, Raportti 1/2017. 18 p. In Full
Seppälä, J., Asikainen, A., Kalliokoski, T., Kanninen, M., Koskela, S., Ratinen, I., Routa, J. 2017. Main messages from researchers concerning the climate impacts of forest utilization. Finnish Climate Panel, Report 1/2017. 18 p. in Full
Camargo, M., Nhantumbo, I. 2016. Towards sustainable chocolate. Greening the cocoa supply chain. IIED, London. 153 p. In Full
Seppälä, J., Kanninen, M., Vesala, T. (Eds.). 2015. Metsien hyödyntäminen ja ilmastonmuutoksen hillintä. Suomen ilmastopaneeli, Raportti 4/2015. 59 p. In Full
Seppälä, J., Kanninen, M., Vesala, T., Uusivuori, J., Kalliokoski, T., Lintunen, J., Saikku, L., Korhonen, R., Repo, A. 2015. Metsien hyödyntämisen ilmastovaikutukset ja hiilinielujen kehittyminen. Suomen ilmastopaneeli, Raportti 3/2015. 43 p. In Full
Tekle Tegegne, Y., Ochieng, R.M., Visseren-Hamakers, I.J., Lindner, M., Kalame, F., Kanninen, M., 2014. National-level FLEGT VPA and REDD+ interactions, Congo Basin. In: Broekhoven, G., Wit, M. (Eds.), Linking FLEGT and REDD+ to Improve Forest Governance. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, The Netherland, pp. 18-24. In Full
Savolainen, I., Airaksinen, M., Cantell, H., Kanninen, M., Luostarinen, S., Peltonen-Sainio, P., Pingoud, K., Regina, K., Rinne, S., Seppälä, J., Syri, S. 2013. Energiajärjestelmä ja päästönvähennystoimet - yhteenvetoraportti. Suomen ilmastopaneeli. Raportti 5/2013. 32 p. In Full
Pingoud, K., Savolainen, I., Seppälä, J., Kanninen, M., Kilpeläinen, A., 2013. Metsien käytön ja metsäbioenergian ilmastovaikutukset. Suomen ilmastopaneeli, Raportti 2/2013. 25 p. In Full
Pakkasvirta, J., Kanninen, M., Koivusalo, M., Uusikylä, P., Rönkkö, M., Moore, A., Pasanen, J., 2013. Analysis of Global Challenges and Future Research Needs in the Context of Low-income Countries. Report to Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Helsinki. 127 p.
Halonen, M., Ryynänen, E., Sorasahi, H., Vihma, A., Kanninen, M. 2013. Global emission reduction potential of additional mitigation measures. Gaia Consulting Oy. 96 p. In Full
Nhantumbo, I., Camargo, M. 2013. Carbon rights legislation: not yet ready for private sector REDD+. IIED Briefing February 2013. In Full
Donato, D.C., Kauffman, J.B., Murdiyarso, D., Kurnianto, S., Stidham, M., Kanninen, M., 2012. Mangrove adalah salah satu hutan terkaya karbon di kawasan tropis. CIFOR Brief No 13. 12 p. In Full
Donato, D.C., Kauffman, J.B., Murdiyarso, D., Kurnianto, S., Stidham, M., Kanninen, M., 2012. Rừng ngập mặn trong những kiểu rừng giàu trữ lượng các-bon nhất ở vùng nhiệt đới. CIFOR Brief No 11. 12 p. In Full
Arets, E., Moiseyev, A., Solberg, B., Louman, B., Marien, J.N., Kanninen, M., Roda, J.-M. 2011. Summary and synthesis: The EU wood chain in a globalised world – impact of trade and policy factors for sustainability of wood chains between the EU and developing countries. In: Arets, E. (Ed.), Report by INCO partners on selected policy changes in TWC and Europe. European Forest Institute, EFI Technical Report 45, pp. 5-15.
Myers Madeira, E.M., Sills, E., Brockhaus, M., Verchot, L.V., Kanninen, M. 2010. What is a REDD+ pilot? A preliminary typology based on early actions in Indonesia, CIFOR InfoBrief 26. 8 p.
Murdiyarso, D., Skutsch, M., Guariguata, M., Kanninen, M., Luttrell, C., Verweij, P., Stella, O. 2008. Measuring and monitoring forest degradation for REDD Implications of country circumstances, CIFOR InfoBrief 16. 6 p.
Li, C. & Luukkanen, O. 2001. Genetic diversity in natural populations of Eucalyptus microtheca. ETFRN News 34:18-19. European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN), Wageningen.
Luukkanen, O. 2001. Uutisia Sudanista (News from the Sudan, in Finnish). Yliopisto/Acta Universitatis Helsingiensis (1):16.
Luukkanen, O. 2001. Tropical forestry and the role of tropical forests regarding CO2. Nordic-Baltic seminar on International Forest Policy, Majvik, Finland, 20-21 September 2001. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Helsinki. 7 p..
Luukkanen, O. 2001. Recent advances in biotechnology for tree conservation and management – IFS Florianópolis workshop proceedings. [Review]. ETFRN News 34:42-43. European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN), Wageningen.
Jalaskoski, Teija. Päättäjien Metsäakatemia, kurssi 9. julkaisun editointi. Suomen Metsäyhdistys. 2000.
Luukkanen, O. 2000. Message from the chairman. ETFRN News 31:1. European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN), Wageningen.
Luukkanen, O. 2000. From Bangkok to the Blue Nile: two decades of lessons learnt at the Tropical Silviculture Unit, University of Helsinki. CURRENTS 23/24:36-39. Swedish Agricultural University, Uppsala.
Luukkanen, O. 2000. Trooppisten metsien luonne [The general nature of tropical forests, in Finnish]. Metsä ja Puu [The forest and the tree] (ed. Paloheimo, E.) 1:34-43. Helsinki Technical University, Helsinki.
Jalaskoski, Teija. Päättäjien Metsäakatemia, kurssi 8. julkaisun editointi. Suomen Metsäyhdistys. 1999.
Luukkanen, O., El Fadl, M. & Mohamed, A. Gaffar 1999. Dryland forestry and agroforestry in the Sudan: results and current topics of Sudan-Finland research cooperation. ETFRN News 28:4-5. European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN), Wageningen. Full text
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Jalaskoski, Teija. Naisenergiaa Intiassa. Finnwid publication. 1998.
Otsamo, R. 1997. Indigenous tree species in rehabilitation of fast-growing forest plantations on former Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. grasslands in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Lic. For. Thesis, Dept. of Forest Ecology, University of Helsinki. 98 p.
Elfadl, M.A. 1996. Management of Prosopis juliflora in agroforestry sytem in the Sudan . Licentiate Thesis, University of Helsinki (limited distribution), 145 p.
Luukkanen, O. 1996. Kenya Forestry Master Plan. In: Sustainable forestry challenges for developing countries (ed. Palo, M. & Mery, G.), pp. 359-369. Kluwer, The Netherlands.
Nygren, P. 1996. Implicaciones de las características ecofisiológicas del poró (Erythrina poeppigiana) en su manejo en sistemas agroforestales [Implications of the ecophysiological characteristics of poró (Erythrina poeppigiana) on its management in agroforestry systems]. Revista Forestal Centroamericana Nº 16 (Junio-Agosto 1996): 16 – 24.
Nygren, P. & Kass, D.C.L. 1996. Erythrina poeppigiana: shade tree gains new perspectives. FACT Sheet 96-06 of the Forest, Farm & Community Tree Network. Winrock International, Morrilton, AR, USA. 2 pp. (Published simultaneously in English and Spanish)
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Luukkanen, M.O. & Odera, J. 1993: Forestry research at Bura, Tana River District, Kenya, 1984–1993. – East African Agriculture and Forestry Journal 58 (Special Issue): 7–11.
Maua, J.O. & Otsamo, A. 1993. Utilization of Prosopis juliflora for charcoal production in Bura Irrigation and Settlement Project in eastern Kenya. – East African Agriculture and Forestry Journal 58 (Special Issue): 115–117.
Mwendwa, A.K., Otsamo, A. & Otsamo, R. 1993. Effect of irrigation on soil nutrient status on a 14-month-old Prosopis juliflora and Eucalyptus microtheca plantation in Bura Irrigation Scheme, eastern Kenya. – East African Agriculture and Forestry Journal 58 (Special Issue): 101–105.
Nygren, P. 1993. El manejo de sombras del cacao: Consideraciones ecofisiológicas para experimentos con árboles leguminosas [Cocoa shade management: Ecophysiological considerations for experiments with legume trees]. In: Seminario Regional “Sombras y Cultivos Asociados con Cacao” (Ed. W. Phillips-Mora): 131 – 140. Serie técnica, Informe técnico 206, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica.
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Otsamo, A. & Maua, J.O. 1993. Observations on pod production of planted Prosopis juliflora in Bura, Tana River District, Kenya. – East African Agriculture and Forestry Journal 58 (Special Issue): 111–114.
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Mäkelä, M., Johansson, S. & Luukkanen, O. 1985. Success of amenity tree painting at the Bura Irrigation Settlement Project. Univ. Helsinki and KEFRI.
Sarajärvi, I., Johansson, S. & Luukkanen, O. 1985. Biomass functions for irrigated Prosopis Juliflora plantations in Tana River District, Kenya. Univ. Helsinki and KEFRI.
Sarkeala, J., Johansson, S. & Luukkanen, O. 1985. Volume functions for Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Terminalia brownii in irrigated fuelwood plantations in Tana River District, Kenya. Univ. Helsinki and KEFRI.