MSc Theses

MSc Theses
2020 -


Blomberg, Laura. Biodiversity conservation and international funding – perceptions of current challenges and development needs by stakeholders operating in Madagascar. (Full text)


Jaurimaa, Anna. How to address and assess climate change adaptation? Results-based climate change adaptation and the role of trees and forests in projects funded by Adaptation Fund. (Full text)

Simppula, Antti. Village-level changes in landscapes, land use and rural livelihoods: A case study of three villages in Nambak District, Lao PDR. (Full text)

Määttänen, Satu. Carbon stocks and storage potential of dryland agroforestry in Mali, West African Sahel. (Full text)


2015 - 2019


Vilkki, Christa. Tropical rainforest restoration on Imperata grasslands under fast-growing plantations in South-Kalimantan, Indonesia. (Abstract)

Makkonen, Eedla. Preliminary Assessment of Socioeconomic Impacts and Plantation Performance of Stora Enso´s Village Program in Southern Laos. (Abstract)

Rams Beltrán, Elisabet. Silvicultural management of smallholder commercial tree plantations in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania: characterization and influencing factors. (Abstract)


Luoma, Antti. Ecosystem services in UPM’s intensively managed plantation landscapes in Uruguay. (Abstract)

Holm, Saara. Trade-offs and win-wins between carbon and biodiversity outcomes in Peru. (Abstract)

Simola, Noora. Carbon stocks and sequestration potential of smallholder Acacia hybrid plantations in Hue, Vietnam. (Full text)


Miller, Cary. A Qualitative Assessment of Key Factors Shaping the Development of Community Forestry Enterprises in Mexico.

Masuda, Shingo. Indonesian wooden furniture value chain and impacts of EU policies. (Full text)

Sistonen, Sonja. Forest and environmental income dependency in rural livelihoods: A case study of three villages in Mahaxay District, Lao PDR. (Co-supervision with Forest Economics and Marketing). (Full text)


Anttila, Pekka. Implications of middlemen in smallholder teak production systems in

Northern Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). (Forest Economics and Marketing). (Full text)

Penttilä, Juho. Influence of smallholder woodlot management to tree growth and tree quality. (Full text)

Hirvonen, Elina. Ecosystem Services from Industrial Eucalypt Plantation Landscapes: Case of Stakeholders of UPM Uruguay. (Full text)

Malkamäki, Arttu. Governance of global commodity chains: case of Uruguayan beekeeping and sustainable livelihoods. (Co-supervision with Forest Economics and Marketing). (Full text)


Tabi Agbor, Ferdinand. Sustainability of community forest management in Burkina Faso: The Case of CAF Cassou. (Abstract)

Christersson, Jenni. Kohti optimaalisempaa keinokasteluveden jakamista – Etiopialaisten pienviljelijöiden näkökulmia avainasioista [A Step towards developing strategies for optimal allocation of irrigation water for food security – Farmers’ conceptions on key issues in Ethiopia] (Department of Agricultural Sciences). (Abstract)

Gordillo Ruesta, Harold. What drives land use – land cover change leading to deforestation? A study case of the Tambopata Natural Reserve Buffer Zone, Madre de Dios, Peru. (Abstract)

2010 - 2014


Bleyer, Maja. Socio-economic impacts of private forest investment on local livelihoods in Niassa, Mozambique.  (Forest Economics and Marketing). (Full text)

Pienimäki, Arttu. Carbon stocks for six different land use classes in Niassa province, Mozambique. (Abstract)

Juntheikki, Joni. Estimation of eucalyptus forest plantations carbon sequestration potential in Uruguay with the CO2fix model (Forest Economics and Marketing). (Full text)

Harjuniemi, Aliisa. Effects of Intensive management in the Restoration of Northeastern Atlantic Forest in Brazil; Survival, Growth and Carbon Sequestered 8 Years after Planting. (Department of Forest Sciences, Atlantis Program). (Full text)


Shu, Gideon Neba. Assessment and prediction of above-ground biomass in selectively logged forest concessions using field measurements and remote sensing data: case study in South East Cameroon. (Full text)

Hyytiäinen, Emma-Sofia. Forest succession after shifting cultivation in seasonal tropical forests in Ban Kouay, Lao PDR. (Faculty of Biosciences, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology). (Full text)

Suomela, Maria. Agroforestry system design for peri-urban environment. Case study from Dzivaresekwa, Zimbabwe. (Department of Agricultural Sciences). (Full text)

Vuola, Matleena. Regional Markets for Non-timber Forest Products in Eastern Brazilian Amazon (Department of Forest Sciences, Atlantis Program). (Full text)


Rufinga, Bosaze. Community forest management and policy implication for the biosphere reserve of Luki, Democratic Republic of Congo. (Full text)

Saukko, Lari. Improving rooting of Eucalyptus cuttings by controlling the stock plant temperature in Montes del Plata nursery, Uruguay.

Nikkinen, Hanne. Case study from khat cultivation’s socio-economic causes and consequences and female perspectives of khat cultivation in Abaye, Wondo Genet, Ethiopia [Thesis in Finnish]. (Department of Geosciences and Geography)


Asare, Edmund. Studies on changes in vegetation cover in Southern Sudan as indicated by remote sensing and GIS Analysis.

Chakma, Dipjoy. The role of selected non-timber forest products for rural areas in Laos: Case studies in Ban Napo and Ban Kouay communities. (Full text)

Evinen, Terhi. Forest rehabilitation in the Amhara region, Northern Ethiopia: Sacred forests and stakeholder perceptions.

Männikkö, Jani. The growth and survival of tropical dipterocarp tree seedlings is determined by tradeoffs in habitat specialization – Sepilok Forest Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia.

Pasanen, Jouni. Community perceptions and actions for land rehabilitation in Lake Langano area, Ethiopia.

Varis, Eveliina. Stand growth and management scenarios for Paraserianthes falcataria smallholder plantations in Indonesia.


Chan, Tommy. Implications of coffee certification on biodiversity in coffee-based agroforestry practices in South-west Ethiopia.

Fróis, Nadira. Regeneration ecology and woody species diversity in the remnant natural forest at Wondo Genet, Ethiopia – potential for landscape restoration. (Abstract)

Knuutila, Nina. Juvenile diversity of tree species in Theobroma Cacao L. agroforestry and primary forest – Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Dept of Agricultural Sciences) (Abstract)

Kähkölä, Anna-Kaisa. Inga edulis palkokasvipuun lehti- ja juurikarike kaakaon (Theobroma cacao) typenlähteinä ja mykorritsaymppäyksen vaikutus niiden hyväksikäyttöön.

Mainusch, Jakob. The effect of land exclosures on woody species diversity and population structure in the Lake Langano area, Ethiopia.

Sylvander, Nora. Implementation of REDD+ in community forestry in East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania – possibilities and challenges.

2005 - 2009


Yan, Dongjun. Spatial distribution of water use by eucalyptus plantations in a small catchment in Guangxi, South China: a modelling and GIS approach. (Full text)


Hassan, Badal Ahmed. The socio-economic and ecological importance of aromatic resin producing species of boswellia and commiphora in the horn of Africa: Case study in Northeastern Kenya.

Kaukonen, Maija. Forest fire management in Northern Thailand: Stakeholders roles in fire prvention and control in Chiang Rai province.

Kurppa, Miika. Nitrogen transfer from Inga edulis and Gliricidia sepium to Theobroma cacao in an experimental cacao plantation.

Kuutti, Varpu. Structure and dynamics of natural semiarid miombo woodland stands in Eastern-Africa.

Pilkama, Aura. Traditional Silvicultural Management of Bamboo as Practiced by the Karen People in Hin Lad Nai Village, Chiang Rai Province, North Thailand.

Rashid, Abdi Duale. Benefits of Yeheb shrub (Cordeauxia edulis) for the local communities in the Horn of Africa: Case study in the Mudug region, Puntland, Somalia.

Tynkkynen, Marko. Manual harvesting time and productivity in Stora Enso Guangxi Forest Plantations, China.


Kahala, Laura. Natural regeneration and provenance variation in seed germination ecology of Picea asperata in the Tibetan Plateau, China.

Ihalainen, Laura. Improved rubber agroforestry system RAS1 in West Kalimantan – biodiversity and farmers’ perceptions.

Monge, Adrían. Economics of Rubberwood for Smallholding Farmers in Traditional Rubber Production Areas in the South of Thailand (Dept of Forest Economics).

Kainulainen, Olli. Efficiency of sawmill operations and the role of smallholdings in the rubberwood supply in Thailand (Dept of Forest Resource Management). (Full text)

Córdova, Raúl. Use of plants and animals with special reference to non-timber forest products, among the people of Santa Rosa De Manduriacu Grande, a rural community in north-western Ecuador.


Seppä, Teemu. Vegetation Cover Rehabilitation in the Upper Yangtze Basin: Regeneration of Native Woody Species in Forest Plantations of the Upper Minjiang Watershed, Sichuan Province, China.

Rantala, Laura. Rubber plantation performance in the Northeast and of Thailand in relation to environmental conditions.

Hakkarainen, Jarmo A. Comparative ecological wood anatomy of African mahogany Khaya ivorensis, with special reference to damage caused by Hypsipyla robusta shoot borer.

Kalame, Fobissie Blese. Community-based natural resource management in Sudan: A case study of forest utilization and management by smallholder farmers in Kosti province.

Alam, Syed Ashraful. Use of biomass fules in the brick-making industries of Sudan: Implications for deforestation and greenhouse gas emission. (Full text)


Ratia, Petri. Charcoal production in Thailand with Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium as raw material. (Dept. of Forest Resource Management).

Palm, Ermo. Performance of Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium in forest plantations in Thailand.

Kiianmaa, Sampsa. Natural regeneration and ecological succession in Pinus kesiya watershed plantations in northern Thailand. (Full text)

Abdi, Omar Abdulkadir. Drought trends and their impact on natural resources in the Sahel: The case of Sudan.

Aittoniemi, Talvikki. Effect of water stress on seedlings of six Acacia senegal provenances in Sudan.

Kallio, Maarit. Morphological and physiological adaptation to water stress and flooding in three subspecies of Acacia nilotica.

2000 - 2004


Kam, Tsam Yuen (Liz). Medicinal plants and their use in Ban Thung Soong Community Forest in Krabi, Southern Thailand.

Puolakka, Pekka. Profitability of teak in Costa Rica- management and maintenance of two tree plantation enterprises.

Walter, Kurt. Prosopis juliflora: Effects of an introduced tree species on livelihood strategies in the New Halfa Agricultural Scheme, Sudan.

Zhong, Wu. Carbon dioxide efflux from scots pine stems.


Xu, Qifen. Productivity and functional assessment of Taxodium ascendens in aquasilviculture systems in Lixiahe region, Jiangsu province, China.

Luoma-aho, Tapio. Natural regeneration of African mahogany (Khaya ivorensis) in the moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana.

Bertin, Sophie. Physiological and morphological effects of solid water, a new water-saving irrigation technique on four drought-resistant tree species in China.


Koponen, Piia. Tree species diversity, forest structure and nodulation of legume trees in a tropical freshwater swamp forest in French Guiana. (Department of Ecology and Systematics)

Oksanen, Matti. Prosopis juliflora: natural regeneration and economic implications of an introduced tree species in the Tendelti Area, Central Sudan.

Penttinen, Anu. Gender in Finnish bilateral forestry sector development co-operation—A case study of a Bush Fire Management Project in Burkina Faso.

Arvola, Anne. Growth and management of Terminalia amazonia in small-farm plantations in southern Costa Rica.

Joan Albert Porcar i Castell. E1 Desarrollo de plantaciones forestales en E1 Salvador, desde un punto de vista silvícola y socioecomómico.


Husgafvel, Roope. International policy development for sustainable forest management with special reference to potential risks of timber plantations in China.

Vuorinen, Petteri. Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in Peninsular Malaysia and Laos.

Vihemäki, Heini. Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) cultivation in the East Usambaras, Tanzania: Associated tree species and their effects on agroforestry system management.

Räisänen, Satu. Biodiversity in tropical agroforestry systems: On-farm case studies in the East Usambaras, Tanzania.


Admassu, Yared. Policy and institutional change as a tool for sustainable tropical forest management with special emphasis on Tanzania.

Korhonen, Kaisa. The silvicultural state of planted forests in southern Costa Rica as affected by Farmers’ Motivation for Reforestation: Evaluationof Forest Incentive Programs.

1990 - 1999


Correa, Fernando. Forests in Argentina and Chile as affected by global and national policies and economic development. (Department of Ecology and Systematics).

García, Heli. Latvonnan vaikutus peltometsäviljelyssä käytettävän trooppisen typensitojapuun Gliricidia sepiumin hiilihydraattidynamiikkaan. (Department of Ecology and Systematics).

Viisteensaari, Jussi. The fate of an alien tree species in tropical conservation forest management: regeneration and dynamics of woody plant species in Maesopsis eminii plantations in the East Usambaras, Tanzania.


Simelius, Mika. Trooppisen Monikäyttöpuun (Gliricidia sepium) Latvusrakenteen kehitys ja biomassan jakautuminen latvonnan jälkeen Guadeloupella.


Ruokonen, Marja. Taimikon inventoinnin menetelmät trooppisilla puuvijelmillä: Tapaustutkimus Los Tuxtlas, Meksiko.


Hannu Kivelä. The financial profitability of giant bamboo plantations: a case study in Khon Kaen province, northeastern Thailand.


Leena, Anttila. The importance of woody plants as livestock fodder among the Orma pastoralists in Bura, Tana River district, Kenya. (Department of Animal Husbandry)


Koskela, Jarkko. Natural regeneration dynamics of Pinus merkusii; Field studies in Ban Wat Chan, northern Thailand.

Eskonheimo, Anu. Tutkimus puita koskevasta kansantiedosta ja sen välittymisestä Burassa, Itä-Keniassa. (Department of Sociology)


Mikkola, Kristiina. Ecological aspects of agroforestry systems with Paraserianthes falcataria: two case study of taungya and mixed gardening from Java, Indonesia.


Otsamo (née Pirilä), Riikka. Acacia segegalin itämiseen ja alkukehitykseen vaikuttavat tekijät laboratorio- ja maasta-oloissa.

Supriadi, Gatut. Effect of cutting morphology and iba on the growth of Peronema canescens nursery stock.


Eshetu, Yirdaw. Initial survival and establishement of one year old Eucalyptus globulus seedlings in Ethiopia.

Laxén, Jörn. Effekterna av miljöfaktorer och härdning på CO2-assimilering och transpiration hos Acacia senegal i centrala Sudan.

Before 1990


Salakari, Hannu. Acacia senegalin taimien vesitalous, morfologia ja kehigysominaisuudet taimien laadun kuvaajina.

Mustonen, Eija. Neljän Acacia mangiumin vapaapölytysjälkeläistön kaasuaineenvaihdunta kenttäolosuhteissa. (Faculty of Forestry, University of Joensuu)


Mamoun, Musa. The effect of watering and substrate on the growth of Acacia senegal, Acacia seyal and Prosopis chilensis seedlings in a forest tree nursery in the Sudan.

Miettinen, Pasi. Maaperän kosteuden vaikutus Prosopis julifloran hiilitalouteen ja juurinystyröiden esiintymiseen.

Alatalo, Veijo. Maanmuokkauksen vaikutus metsänviljelyn onnistumiseen: Acacia senegal-taimien alkukehitys istutuskokeissa keski-Sudanissa.


Sarkeala, Janne. Eucalyptus camaldulensiksen ja Terminalia browniin runkotilavuusyhtälöt sekä tilavuuden jakautuminen eri komponentteihin.

Ådjers, Göran. Tropical peat in Southeast Asia and its use as growth substrate in a forest tree nursery in south Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Mäkelä, Merja. Private tree planting in the Bura Irrigation Settlement Project Tana River, Kenya.


Saarainen, Timo. Maaperän vesitalous ja Acacia senegalin alkukehityksen ekologia Keski-Sudanin vähäsateisella savannivyöhykkeellä.

Sarajärvi, Ismo. Prosopis julifloran biomassayhtälöt ja –taulukot kastelluilla polttopuuviljelmillä, Hola, itä-Kenia.


Mäkitalo, Antti. Study on forest inventory in northern Thailand.

Kaarakka, Vesa. Tutkimuksia eukalyptusten vesitaloudesta ja kasvusta Uthai Thanin alueella keski-Thaimaassa.


Holmberg, Gunilla. Transport och förvaring Acacia senegal och Prosopis chilensis täckrotsplantor i ett område i Sudan.


Siltanen, Markku. Pinus Kesiyan runkopuun tilavuusyhtälöt ja -taulukot (Baw Luang – mäntyviljelmä, Pohjois-Thaimaa).

Kaarakka, Vesa. Eukalyptusten vesitalous ja kasvu Uthai Thanin alueella Keski-Thaimaassa.

Pattanakiat, Sura. Preliminary studies on the water balance and CO2 exchange in two Eucalyptus camaldulensis provenances. (Research project report)


Turakka, Antti. Männyistä (Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gord.) ja P. merkusii Jungh. et de Vries) ja niiden luontaisesta uudistumisesta Pohjois-Thaimaan vedenjakaja-alueilla.