Staff and post-doctoral researchers

Below you can find the list of academic staff and researchers at the Viikki Tropical Resources Institute
Edward Webb

Professor and VITRI Director

Teaching and research areas

Tropical forest ecology, conservation, and land cover change

Further information

Research database Tuhat

Markku Kanninen

Professor emeritus

Teaching and research areas

Climate change mitigation and adaptation, methods and policies for sustainable management of Tropical landscapes, tropical forest ecology, tropical silviculture and forest management, plantation forestry in the Tropics

Further information

Research database Tuhat

Personal Blog Page

Eshetu Yirdaw

University Lecturer

Research area

Biodiversity, Restoration Ecology, Agroforestry


TROP120, TROP130, TROP210, TROP220

On-going activities

Supervision of students, teaching, and research


Research database Tuhat

Olavi Luukkanen

Professor emeritus

Teaching and research areas

Ecophysiology and genetics of forest trees, tropical forest ecology, silvicultural systems, ecosystem rehabilitation, agroforestry, community-based forest management, non-wood forest products, geographical focus on East and West Africa, Sudan, and Southeast Asia.

Further information

Research database Tuhat

Markku Larjavaara


Re­search area

Ecosystem carbon, forest biomass, structure and size of trees



On-go­ing activ­it­ies

Project on ecosystem carbon in tropical landscapes

Member of the editorial board of Functional Ecology


Research database Tuhat

Mohamed Ahmed Elfadl


Research area

Dryland (landscape management, rehabilitation, agroforestry, silviculture)


ME454 Agroforestry in the tropics and developing countries

On-going activities

Senior Researcher Academy Project: Carbon sequestration and Soil Fertility on African Drylands: Implications for Food and Woodfuel Production, Land Rehabilitation and Community Development (CASFAD)
Team member Ministry for Foreign Affairs project: Landscape management Planning and Training for the Environment in Southern Sudan (LAMPTESS)

Tutoring students in the course National Forest Programme and other courses and theses work.


Research database Tuhat

Fobissie Kalame


Teaching and Research Areas

Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Sustainable Forest Landscape Management

Agroforestry in the Tropics

Natural Resource Policy and Governance

Green Economy / Low-Emission Development Strategies and Plans

Nationally Determined Contributions (UNFCCC NDC)

UNFCCC process and negotiations

Projects and Activities

Building Biocarbon and Rural Development in West Africa (BIODEV)
Green Economy Transitions in the Least Developed Countries: Multi-scale Analysis of Energy and Forest Use in Laos and Cambodia (GET-LDC)

PhD supervision


Research database Tuhat

Nick Hogarth

University Researcher


PhD. Forests and livelihoods. Charles Darwin University, Australia.

M.Sc. Environmental research & management. Charles Darwin University, Australia.

Grad.Dip.Sc. Plant Biology (Botany). University of Western Australia.

Research area

Forests and livelihoods, planted forests/reforestation, forest landscape restoration, plantation forestry, bamboo, Geographical focus: China, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia.

On-going activities

Green Economy Transitions in the Least Developed Countries: Multi-scale Analysis of Energy and Forest Use in Laos and Cambodia (GET-LDC) (Project 2014-2018).

Supervising Masters Students.

Teaching: Lecturer for ‘Introduction to tropical forestry’ course (TROP170).

Member of Steering Group ‘Developing a Forestry Module in the World Bank’s LSMS’.

Member of Systematic Review team: ‘The socioeconomic effects of large-scale tree plantations on local people’.


Research database Tuhat


Maarit Kallio

University Researcher


M.Sc. Agriculture & Forestry, University of Helsinki

D.Sc. Agriculture & Forestry, University of Helsinki

Research area

Social forestry and livelihoods, plantation forestry, silviculture, forestry and climate change (REDD+)

On-going activities

Green Economy Transitions in the Least Developed Countries: Multi-scale Analysis of Energy and Forest Use in Laos and Cambodia (GET-LDC) (Project 2014-2018)

Environmental vulnerability, social resilience and multi-scale governance (ENVGOV) (Project 2015-2016)


Research database Tuhat