Doctoral researchers

Here you can find the names of doctoral students and researchers

Adrián Monge Monge

Doctoral student


MSc: Forest Economics, University of Helsinki

BSc: Tropical Forestry, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica

Research area

REDD+, community forestry

Vulnerability and adaptation

Sustainable forest management

On-going activities

Environmental vulnerability, social resilience and multi-scale governance (ENV-GOV)


Students co-supervisonPublications

Research database Tuhat

Arttu Malkamäki

Doctoral Student


MSc in Forest Economics and Marketing, University of Helsinki

Research areas

Plantation forestry; Local communities; Social-ecological resilience; Governance networks; Uruguay; South Africa

On-going activities

The socioeconomic impacts of large-scale tree plantations on local communities. Examining the empirical evidence. (UH-CIFOR 2016-17)

The impacts and governance of tree plantation landscapes in South Africa. (2017-18) [this is my own PhD project and not directly linked to any other on-going project at the department, but I guess its worth mentioning as it tells what I'm currently working on]

Teaching courses in the ecosystem service approach, plantation forestry in the tropics, and quantitative methods in social sciences, among others.


Research database Tuhat

Dipjoy Chakma

Doctoral Student


MSc (Agri & For), Forest Products Marketing and Management, University of Helsinki, Finland

BSc (honors), Forestry, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh

Research area

Value Chain Analysis, Livelihood analysis, Community Forest Management, Sustainable Management of Non-Timber Forest Products.

On-going activities

Coordinating the Forest Landscape Rehabilitation in the Mekong River Basin (FORMEB) cooperation project: (VITRI – Dept. Forestry, National University of Laos).

Research topic: The role of non-timber forest products in rural livelihoods and enhance their

resiliency and adaptive capacity to climatic uncertainties: case Lao PDR


Research database Tuhat

Ibrahim Toure



MSc:  Computer Science, Columbus State University, Georgia, USA

BSc:   Computer Science, Columbus State University, Georgia, USA

Research Area:

Climate change, Carbon dynamics in semi-arid land-uses;

Deforestation and land degradation in the Sahel;

Climate smart agriculture; Rehabilitation of degraded lands;

Sahel; West-Africa


Systematic quantitative review of the drivers of deforestation in the Sahel

Assessment of participatory action learning activities involving methods of fodder tree propagation, planting and restoration of degraded pasture (ICRAF)

Johanness Jamaludin

Doctoral Student


M.Sc. (research). 2021. Dept. Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

B.Sc. (Honours). 2018. Dept. Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Research area

Tropical forest conservation and management.

Deforestation and land system change.

Geographical Information Systems and remote sensing.

On-going projects

Doctoral Programme in Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences, Dept. Forest Sciences


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