VITRI is part of a global team to secure justice for nature

Prof. Edward Webb (VITRI's Dir.) is part of a team of lawyers, conservationists, scientists and economists from around launching the initiative

Global team launches groundbreaking project to secure justice for nature

Lawyers, conservationists, scientists and economists from around the world begin five precedent-setting cases, as part of a green wave of biodiversity litigation seeking justice for nature

A global team meets this week to launch CLAW – Conservation Litigation and Wildlife, an ambitious and innovative project with one key mission: to hold those who harm nature accountable for repairing it.

The project is led by, a multidisciplinary network committed to introducing new, creative legal responses to drivers of the world’s biodiversity crisis, initially targeting illegal wildlife trafficking and trade. The network develops easy-to-understand legal analyses that identify how offenders can be held legally accountable for remedying harm to nature. The network also supports governments and NGOs in designing and litigating precedent-setting cases in court.