Public doctoral defense

By Badal Ahmed Hassan

Our dear friend Badal Ahmed Hassan will defend his doctoral dissertation titled:  Trees for sustainable livelihoods in the Horn of Africa Studies on aromatic resins and other non-wood forest products in Somalia and Kenya. (Puut kestävän toimeentulon lähteenä Afrikan Sarvessa: Tutkimuksia suitsukkeesta, mirhasta ja muista metsän keruutuotteista Somaliassa ja Keniassa)

Date: Thursday 2th of July 2020
Time: 12 o’clock noon
Location: Lecture room P674, Porthania (Yliopistonkatu 3)
Live stream:

Professor Frans Bongers, Wageningen University, will serve as the opponent, and Professor Markku Prof. Kanninen as the custos.

The dissertation will be published in the series University of Helsinki Tropical Forestry Reports and it is also available in electronic form through the E-thesis service:

For more information contact:

Badal Ahmed Hassan