Guest presentation by Dr Dennis Garrity

Trees and food security in Africa

UPDATE: Dr Dennis Garrity  presentation is available here!

The former DG of World Agroforestry (ICRAF) in Nairobi, Dr Dennis Garrity will give a guest lecture titled “Trees and food security in Africa” The presentation is based on the results of the Beating Famine Conference held in Bamako, Mali, in February 2019 (see the Bamako Declaration below), and the World Congress on Agroforestry of May 2019. The lecture is followed by a discussion in which the Global EverGreening Alliance CEO Dr Chris Armitage will also participate.

The lecture will take place on Tuesday 4 June from 13:15 -15: 00 on the Viikki campus (room B7, Building A, Latokartanonkaari 9).


Additional information can be obtained from Prof. Olavi Luukkanen (, tel. 0400 847849).