With the support of the ERASMUS+ FRAME’s coordinating institution (VITRI, University of Helsinki), project partners from Laos and Thailand developed the successful research concept note entitled “Governance of Forest Landscape Restoration in Watersheds of Lao PDR and Thailand – Barriers and Opportunities for Community Participation”.
In order to determine whether upstream forest changes have their foundations in forest governance and community participation, the proposed research aims at identifying and understanding barriers and opportunities based on the perception of government officers and local stakeholders, especially women’s groups. This research project is co-led by Dr. Damrong Pipatwattanakul from Kasetsart University, Thailand, Dr. Outhevy Vongmany from Savannakhet University and Dr. Vongpasith Chanthakhoun from Souphanouvong University, Lao PDR.
Expected results will help FLR in upstream watershed forests and the livelihood of local people by means of integrating civil society rights into the governing and implementation process. And from the perspective of capacity building in higher education, ERASMUS+ FRAME partner’s engagement in the network and support for the development of the research funding makes a significant contribution to several of the ERASMUS+ FRAME project’s core objectives.
More information about the project in https://frameerasmus.eu/en