VITRI Exam on literature (3 credits)


Some VITRI courses can be completed without participating in lectures and in individual and group tasks. There is an option for doing a VITRI course as an exam on literature (3 credits). This applies to the following courses

En­rolling in Weboodi

Enroll on a course in WebOodi using the following codes:

  • TROP140 Tropical Forest Ecology and Conservation

    830117, Tropical forest ecology and conservation (TROP140) EXAM AQUARIUM
  • TROP250 Plantation forestry in the tropics

    830169, Plantation forestry in the Tropics (TROP250) EXAM AQUARIUM
  • TROP260 Tropical forests and climate change

    – Code to be created
  • TROP280 Tropical silviculture and forest management

    830178, Tropical silviculture and forest management (TROP280)



The exams should be preferably done in electronic exam rooms using the new Examinarium web platform.

Login to Examinarium to choose a place and time for taking the exam. See more in