ViPS Science Fair 2017

ViPS research groups present their work

Date: 10th October 2017

Time: 16:00-18:00

Location: Viikki A building foyer, Latokartanonkaari 9

Doctoral candidates and post-docs from ViPS research groups will present their projects to students from the Master's Programmes in Plant Biology, Agricultural Sciences & Forest Sciences. The aim is to gain an understanding of the plant biology research being carried out at the University of Helsinki and to explore the possibility of joining a research group for a short period of practical training.

Presentations will mainly be in the form of laptop slides, but there is limited space for a few posters.

ALL welcome!

Presentations & presenters

Ali Amiryousefi: Chloroinformatics

Anna Kärkönen: Lignin biosynthesis studies in Norjan spruce

David Israel: Aquaporins regulate water flow through plants

Elli Koskela: Flowering research in strawberries

Enni Väisänen: Plant cell wall lignification

Gugan Eswaran & Ondrej Smetana: Plant Growth Dynamics

Gugan Eswaran & Ondrej Smetana: Lets save the world together

Helena Åström & Timo Saarinen: Winter ecology of plants

Jouko Rikkinen: Lichens, termites, etc.

Julia Krasensky-Wrzaczek: Protein phosphorylation in plant hormone and stress signaling

Kai Wang: Plant associated yeasts against plant immunity

Katariina Vuorinen: Search for early-expressed hormone-independent stress-specific promoters

Lingping Zhu: Identification of gerbera polyketide processing enzymes

Marko Jääskeläinen, Maitry Paul & Wei Chang: Genome Obesity: Retrotransposons are bad for your diet!

Matti Salmela: Greetings from New Neighbours: Plant Research at LUKE

Mikael Brosche & Luis Morales: Use of natural variation to study plant stress responses

Mirko Pavicic: Phenotyping plant pathogen interactions

Sachie Kimura & Aleksia Vaattovaara: Molecular and evolutionary analysis of the functions of the Cysteine-Rich Receptor-Like Kinases

Sanna Ehonen: Phenotyping of stomatal sensitivity in transgenic hybrid aspen lines

Shreya Saha: Mechanism of VPg mediated potyviral gene expression and host resistance

Shreya Saha & Andres Lõhmus: Exploring plant cell-virus interactions

Sitaram Rajaraman: Next generation genomics

Soile Jokipii-Lukkari: Genomic selection in pine - phenotyping for stilbenes

Suvi Sallinen: Pathogen communities in driving resistance evolution in plant populations

Triin Vahisalu: Identifying novel regulators in guard cell signalling