ViPS Invited Seminar Series Autumn 2019/Spring 2020

Invited Plant Seminars are held once a month, one hour before the Plant Club seminars. Each speaker is hosted by a different PI from the Viikki campus.

28th August 2019 Hiroshi Wada, NARO, Japan. Host: Kurt Fagerstedt

11th September Michiel de Both, KeyGene, Netherlands. Host:Kristiina Mäkinen

9th October Eric Kemen, Tübingen University, Germany. Host: Kirk Overmyer

13th November Masatsugu Toyota, Saitama University, Japan. Host: Michael Wrzaczek

11th December Rosangela Sozzani, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA. Host: Ari-Pekka Mähönen

15th January 2020 Victor Žárský, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. Host: Michael Wrzaczek

12th February George Coupland, Max Planck Institute, Cologne, Germany. Host: Timo Hytönen

11th March Marcel Jansen, University College Cork, Ireland. Hosts: Matthew Robson & Pedro Aphalo

15th April CANCELLED! Kerstin Kaufmann, Humboldt University, Berlin. Host: Paula Elomaa

13th May CANCELLED! Wendy Harwood, John Innes Centre, UK. Host: Alan Schulman & Kan Wang, Iowa State University, USA. Host: Teemu Teeri