Date: 28th September 2023
Time: 16:30-18:30
Location: Lecture room 2402, Biocentre 3, Viikinkaari 1 and Biocentre 3 6th floor coffee room
Former ViPS alumni will introduce their current jobs, offer insights into the job application process and take part in a panel discussion.
Informal discussion with alumni members will be accompanied by refreshments.
Hosts: Tiago Gomes Nunes, Tanja Paasela & Karen Sims-Huopaniemi
Cheese, wine and soft drinks served!
ALL welcome!
Reetta Ahlfors - Metropoli Lab Oy, CEO
Craig Brelsford - Valoya Oy, plant specialist
Hanna Help - Finnish Food Authority, senior researcher
Pinja Jaspers - ASM, senior manager
Maria Kalliola - Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency, senior officer
Hamid Khazaei - Natural Resources Institute Finland, research scientist
Lauri Vaahtera - Finnish police, forensic chemist
Yan Yan - Hansen Technologies, software engineer