Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC) visit to ViPS

A group of 34 post-docs and doctoral candidates from the Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC) in Sweden will be visiting the Viikki Plant Science Centre (ViPS) from 25th to 27th September.


Wednesday 25th September

1830 Dinner at Restaurant Suomenlinna Panimo

Thursday 26th September

0900-0915 Coffee available

0915 Introduction to ViPS - Paula Elomaa

0930-0945 Lukas Kohl (Pihlatie group): Current activities of the CH4 and N2O cycles in Forest –group

0945-1000 Timo Hytönen: Drivers of climate adaptation in a perennial model woodland strawberry

1000-1015 Kristiina Mäkinen: EXPLORING PLANT CELL-VIRUS INTERACTIONS - Research at Kristiina Mäkinen’s Plant Virology group

1015-1030 Mikael Brosché: Understanding plant stress responses

1030-1045 Break

1045-1215 UPSC flash presentations

Location: Seminar room B7, Viikki Forest Science Building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9

1400-1600 ViPS Science Fair

Location: Viikki A building foyer

1600-1830 UPSC/ViPS get-together and one-on-one meetings

Location: Viikki A building foyer

Friday 27th September

0900-1500 Research facility visits and one-on-one meetings