Wednesday 25th September
1830 Dinner at Restaurant Suomenlinna Panimo
Thursday 26th September
0900-0915 Coffee available
0915 Introduction to ViPS - Paula Elomaa
0930-0945 Lukas Kohl (Pihlatie group): Current activities of the CH4 and N2O cycles in Forest –group
0945-1000 Timo Hytönen: Drivers of climate adaptation in a perennial model woodland strawberry
1000-1015 Kristiina Mäkinen: EXPLORING PLANT CELL-VIRUS INTERACTIONS - Research at Kristiina Mäkinen’s Plant Virology group
1015-1030 Mikael Brosché: Understanding plant stress responses
1030-1045 Break
1045-1215 UPSC flash presentations
Location: Seminar room B7, Viikki Forest Science Building, Latokartanonkaari 7-9
1400-1600 ViPS Science Fair
Location: Viikki A building foyer
1600-1830 UPSC/ViPS get-together and one-on-one meetings
Location: Viikki A building foyer
Friday 27th September
0900-1500 Research facility visits and one-on-one meetings